How Do I Apply?
Applications and/or documentation which is sent via e-mail or fax will not be accepted. You must send your application by post to the following address:
- Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, International Office, Kapuzinerstr. 16, 96047 Bamberg, Germany
Please do not send transparent covers, loose-leaf binders or application portfolios with your application (if you send them, they will not be returned).
Application Check List of the International Office
Officially Certified Photocopies (Amtliche Beglaubigungen)
As a rule, officially certified photocopies are available from public bodies in Germany which are authorised by law to carry an official seal (stamp).
Certifications provided by the following public bodies or authorities will be accepted:
In Germany
- Municipality, municipal administration
→ Please note: Some public administrations in Germany do not issue officially certified photocopies for foreign documents but for German documents only (please enquire directly). - Notary
- Consulate/Embassy of your country here in Germany
In other countries
- Municipality, municipal administration
- Notary
- German Embassy, German Consulate
The following types of certification cannot be accepted: e.g. certified photocopies from lawyers, student bodies, banks, insurance companies and churches (parish offices, university religious communities). Translators are not authorised to certify documents in their original language. Normal (non-certified photocopies) cannot be accepted.
The officially certified photocopy must fulfil the following minimum criteria:
- A statement that the certified photocopy corresponds with the original (Beglaubigungsvermerk);
- the signature of the person who issued the certified photocopy;
- the official seal of the issuing authority (an official seal usually has an emblem or symbol). Please note that a simple text stamp is not sufficient.
If your original document has two or more pages:
- It must be clear from the manner in which your documents are officially certified that each page is from one document only.
- The statement confirming that the certified photocopy corresponds with the original is required on one page only, as long as part of the seal is visible on each page (e.g. with the printed seal overlapping all pages).
- Alternatively, each page can be certified individually. In this case, your name must appear on each page of the original document.
If your original document has text on the front and on the back:
- Please ensure that your officially certified photocopies are stamped on both sides: front and back. The following, or similar, should be written on the photocopy by the certifying body: This is to certify that front and back of this copy correspond with the original (‘Hiermit wird beglaubigt, dass die Vorder- und Rückseite der Kopie mit dem Original übereinstimmen’).
- If this is not the case, front and back must be certified individually.
Documents in English or French do not have to be translated.
Documents in other languages must be translated into German, and the translations must be officially certified. The translation must be prepared from the original document. List of officially authorised translators in Germany.
International Office Application Deadlines

The following application deadlines apply:
- Summer semester applications: 15 January
- Winter semester applications: 15 July
The completed application must have arrived at the International Office by the above deadlines. The post mark will not be accepted as proof of meeting the deadline. Late applications, incomplete applications and all associated documentation cannot be accepted after the deadline.
The earliest submission date for applications for the winter semester is 15 May of that year. The earliest submission date for the summer semester is 15 November of the previous year. Applications which arrive at the International Office prior to these dates will not be accepted or reviewed.
Where Do I Apply?
The University of Bamberg is not a member of
Non-German citizens and those with university entry qualifications (certificates) from abroad must apply at the International Office (exception: prospective Master’s degree students); this also applies when you have passed the pre-university examination at a Studienkolleg (Zeugnis über die Feststellungsprüfung):
- Applications for undergraduate courses (Bachelor’s, teacher training); German Semester Course for Study Purposes; short-term non-degree study programme (Kurzzeitstudium ohne Abschlussm?glichkeit); Studienkolleg:
- For applicants whose surnames begin with the letters A-L: (Ms) Edith Hallberg (e-mail: see above)
- For applicants whose surnames begin with the letters M-S: (Ms) Katharina Scheiner (e-mail: see above)
- For applicants whose surnames begin with the letters T-Z: (Ms) Stephanie Hofmann (e-mail: see above)
- Applications for doctorates: (Mr) Dr. Andreas Weihe
(e-mail: andreas.weihe(at)
? Please send your specific questions about the application procedure and the deadlines here.
In the following cases, please apply separately online to the Trust for Admission to Higher Education (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung)(this only applies to persons with a direct university entry qualification, not for applications to the Studienkolleg München):
- You wish to apply for the first semester of the Bachelor degree of 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (Psychology).
Attention! Please find current information on application deadlines on the website of the Trust for Admission to Higher Education (Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung) or in our application check list.
Please send your completed application by post to the International Office (see application check list).
In the following cases, please apply to the Registrations and Admissions Office (Studierendenkanzlei):
- Applications for Master’s degrees (information on Master's applications)
(e-mail: master.studierendenkanzlei(at) - Applications by students with a German school leaving certificate ('Bildungsinl?nder/in'): You received your school leaving certificate (Abitur: Allgemeine Hochschulreife) in Germany, or at a recognised German school abroad. (This applies to prospective students with either a German or a foreign citizenship). IMPORTANT: Applicants with a foreign citizenship who have passed the pre-university examination at a Studienkolleg (Zeugnis über die Feststellungsprüfung) must apply at the International Office!
- Applications by German citizens: Either you are a German citizen, or you have dual citizenship, one of which is German. If your native language is not German, you must have passed the DSH or an equivalent German proficiency examination.
Degrees Offered
Overview of the degrees and courses currently on offer.
For information on individual degrees and courses, please contact the Student Advisory Service (Zentrale Studienberatung) and/or the Subject-Specific Advisory Service (Fachstudienberatung).
The ‘UnivIS’ information database offers an overview of all courses for all semesters and a list of contact persons with telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for the entire University of Bamberg.
The University of Bamberg offers a range of degree programmes which provide teacher training for those wishing to teach at German public schools; overview.
Under the following headings you can find detailed information on the various teacher training options:
As a rule, all subjects can be studied at doctorate level; detailed information and support.
Admissions Restrictions "Numerus Clausus" (NC) and the Allocation of Admissions
The number of study places for some courses is restricted. To find out whether a course is restricted, please refer to the homepage of the degree programme.
Grades from abroad are converted into a German average grade. Study places are granted to applicants who have the highest average grades.
At the University of Bamberg, 5 % of courses that have restricted admission are reserved for applicants from non-EU and non-EEA states.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
In the following cases, you must provide a Certificate Recognition Evaluation (Zeugnisanerkennungsbescheid) issued by the Certificate Recognition Authority of the Bavarian State Office for Schools (Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Schule):
- If one of the points hereto on the application check list applies to you.
- If the evaluation of your certificates is considered a case of doubt (‘Zweifelsfall’), you will be requested to send your higher education certificates to the Certificate Recognition Authority of the Bavarian State Office for Schools.
If you have previously studied elsewhere, you may be able to transfer your credits when applying to the University of Bamberg. In this case, please apply to the Board of Examiners (Prüfungsausschuss) of the subject which you wish to study in Bamberg. You can find the name of the professor responsible using the University of Bamberg information database at:
- Prüfungsausschüsse (Boards of Examiners)
- select the relevant course of study (Studiengang)
- select Chairperson (Vorsitzende or Vorsitzender) of the Board of Examiners (Prüfungsausschuss) for the subject you wish to study
For applicants of teacher training degree programmes, this only applies when their studies abroad are not yet completed.
Applicants who have already completed a teacher training course in another country must contact the State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus).
Yes, there are Master’s degree programmes taught in English at the University of Bamberg. There are no Bachelor’s degree programmes taught in English presently.
Several degree programmes contain some courses which are taught in English. However, since these degree programmes are taught primarily in German, applicants must pass the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) or an equivalent German language examination.
No. Normally, you can apply for only one Bachelor's degree programme.
- If you apply for a Bachelor’s degree with local admissions restriction (?rtlich/lokal zulassungsbeschr?nkt), you could apply additionally for max. one Bachelor’s degree without restriction (zulassungsfrei).
- On the website of hochschulstart, you can apply for all study courses with admissions restrictions at the same time.
The International Office allocates accommodation in students‘ halls of residence to exchange students and to recipients of DAAD and BAYHOST scholarships only (for a maximum period of two semesters).
Unfortunately, the International Office cannot provide accommodation for all other international students.
If (1) your application has not been accepted, or (2) you do not begin your studies, or (3) you have completed your studies, your application documents will be kept on file for one year and shredded thereafter.
No. Attending classes is only possible for officially enrolled students. This applies even if you wish to just attend single (language) classes at the University of Bamberg.
In order to register as a student to attend classes, an application must be submitted:
- If you wish to study only for one or two semesters at the University of Bamberg, it is possible to apply for a short-term non-degree study programme. Prerequisites: Minimum German language level B2 and direct university entry (for all subjects or subject-restricted).
- In addition, there are some fee-based courses that visiting students can apply for (Gaststudium). Important: Language courses are not included; the courses comprise other fields of knowledge only. Visiting students do not receive a student ID; it is not possible to take part in examinations.
No. External participation in the DSH examination at the University of Bamberg (i.e. without doing a subsequent course of study at the University of Bamberg) is not possible.
No. Admission is only possible under the following conditions:
- Your completed application must be submitted by post by the deadline.
- All of the academic and language requirements must be fulfilled at the time of your application.
For all degree programmes with limited entry, no documents will be accepted after the deadline. The deadline is final.
For all other degree programmes without admission restriction and applications for the German Semester Course for Study Purposes, exceptions may be possible. The International Office decides on a case-by-case basis if supporting documentation may be submitted after the deadline at all, and in such cases, by what date.
If you have already applied to the International Office either one or two semesters ago, please note that your documentation is kept on file for a maximum of one year. When applying again, you do not need to send the same supporting documentation twice, as long as it complies with the documentation on the application check list. When renewing your application, please state which semester you already applied for in the past.
You can get officially certified photocopies of your original documents by presenting them to a public body which must be authorised to issue such officially certified photocopies. When the photocopies and the original are deemed authentic, the photocopies are (1) stamped with an official seal, and (2) signed by the person who checked and stamped them.
This is referred to as an official certification of documents.
IMPORTANT: When you photocopy an officially certified photocopy, or when you fax it or scan and e-mail it, it is no longer considered an officially certified document, and therefore cannot be accepted as part of your application.