Consulting hours for entrepreneurs

Gründungsteams arbeiten an ihrer Gründungsidee. Jürgen Schabel/Universit?t Bamberg

We host start-up consulting hours for University of Bamberg students, staff and graduates several times each semester in cooperation with the Upper Franconian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK Oberfranken). Your idea might still be in the very early stages, or you might already be in the process of founding your enterprise – no matter how far you have come already, the opportunity to avail of individual advice and discover more about the following topics is bound to prove useful:

  • Essential aspects of creating a business plan
  • Choosing a legal form for your enterprise
  • Support and funding opportunities
  • Enterprise succession

You can also be put in touch with local and regional investors at this point if this seems likely to prove useful. Consulting is provided at no charge.

Team of consultants: Herr Klemens Jakob (IHK Oberfranken), Herr Rudolf Scholze (Aktivsenioren Bayern e.V.), Sebastian Hillebrand (BIG/Universit?t Bamberg)


Appointments are assigned in advance to avoid long waiting periods and to ensure that enough time is available for individual consulting sessions. The deadline for registering is always twelve noon on the Thursday of the week before the consulting hours take place.

Please send an E-Mail to Kristin Schultze:

To register, please provide the following details:
Desired appointment time, alternative time, given name, surname, degree programme, programme semester, mobile phone number, business idea, questions

If you have already attended consulting hours and desire a follow-up appointment, please indicate: Follow-up appointment request, desired time and alternative time, your questions