We are the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG)

Team and tasks

The Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (BIG) fosters entrepreneurial awareness and skills and provides consulting for entrepreneurs to aid the development of ideas that emerge at the University of Bamberg into successful enterprises and university spin-out start-ups.

Our auxiliary staff

  • Melanie Bauer
  • Melanie B?hmer
  • Leonie G?tz
  • Alexandra Grüber

Contacting us:

Dezernat Forschungsf?rderung und Transfer (Z/FFT)
Kapuzinerstra?e 16, 3.OG
96047 Bamberg

Telefon: 0951/863 1411

E-Mail: existenzgruendung.fft(at)uni-bamberg.de, socialmedia.fft(at)uni-bamberg.de

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