WegE: Pioneering Teacher Education
In the context of a quality campaign instituted by the federal government and the federal states, universities are meeting the challenge of improving teacher education and related institutions.
The WegE project’s aim is to develop the profile for teacher education in Bamberg further.
In order to achieve our goal, we are in the process of creating stronger connections between academic disciplines, specialised teaching methodology, and educational sciences. We endeavour to help (prospective) teachers meet the diverse requirements of today’s schools.
To accomplish this, consulting services are systematically being expanded and refined.
Also, we wish to further link the various phases of teacher education with one another and improve communication with schools.
An Overview of Our Goals
Developing a teacher training profile in accordance with the specialised strengths of the University of Bamberg. The particular strengths of the University of Bamberg lie in the humanities, evidence-based research on education, and vocational training. The challenge, then, is to combine teacher education with these assets in a manner that allows for a mutual strengthening of high-quality vocational training and academic excellence.
Improving the coordination between specialised academic disciplines, specialised teaching methodology departments, educational sciences, and schools. We wish to refine academic education based on evidence and later job requirements, within the legal parameters, in the best possible way.
Strengthening institutional teacher education. For this purpose, we strive towards establishing a faculty for teacher education, which secures the concerns related to teacher education within the larger framework of the university administration.
Enhancing school-based further training on offer, e.g. by systematising and further developing it. For us, the question surrounding the development of suitable educational offers over the entire stretch of a career and thus different phases of vocational professionalisation is a central one.
Evaluating the project continuously through research, as well as systematic comparative and knowledge transfer analyses. Our focus will be on the effectiveness and sustainability of the measures taken. In doing so, we hope to build a bridge between our own practice and research on teacher education, and also to further our own efforts in an evidence-based manner.
An Overview of the Bamberg Measures

WegE wishes to achieve the following goals within the context of four sub-projects and four structural measures.
Developing further content in teacher education stands in the forefront of the following plans:
(1) Incorporating perspectives from the humanities in order to create a profile for education centred on culture (KulturPLUS) in teacher education and schools.
(2) Network of Educational Sciences (Bildungswissenschaft im Verbund (BilVer)), connecting the individual parts of teaching in the educational sciences on a case-to-case basis.
(3) Strengthening of counselling competencies during study and the cooperation with schools of the region via a Counselling Centre (Beratungszentrum (BERA))
(4) Profiling of ‘Vocational Education’ (‘Berufliche Bildung’) within the subject areas of Social Pedagogy and Business Education (BeBi).
In order to support these four sub-projects, the following four structural measures will be taken:
(1) Developing a <link wege studienfakultaet>faculty for teacher education
(2) Conceptualising teacher education as a process of <link wege lll>lifelong learning
(3) Creating an <link wege plattform>Education and Internet Platform
(4) Adopting an evidence-based model for teacher education via systematic quality management und evaluation
Project Poster(2.1 MB, 1 page)

Dr. Johannes Weber
0951/ 863-3028

Isabell Walter
0951/ 863-3181

Gudrun Lilge
0951/ 863-3180

As part of the ‘Qualit?tsoffensive Lehrerbildung’ (Quality Campaign for Teacher Education), a joint programme by the federal government and the federal states, WegE is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.