BeBi – Vocational Education

The University of Bamberg offers a vast variety of programmes, not only containing regular teacher education but also focussing on vocational education in the fields of Economics and Business Education (Wirtschaftsp?dagogik) and Social Pedagogy (Sozialp?dagogik).

In the sub-project ‘BeBi’ (Berufliche Bildung = vocational education), the departments of Social Pedagogy and Business Education are in a collaborative effort to mutually benefit from each other’s expertise and to enhance the respective profiles. Therefore, the department of Social Pedagogy will restructure its study and examination conditions to better address contemporary challenges and orientate around the needs of students. Additionally, compulsory elective subjects in the field of Developmental Psychology with emphasis on Early Education will be created. The department of Economics and Business Education aims to enrich its studies by introducing social pedagogic content in its lectures.



As part of the ‘Qualit?tsoffensive Lehrerbildung’ (Quality Campaign for Teacher Education), a joint programme by the federal government and the federal states, WegE  is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.