Vortrag von Ass. Prof. Dr. Danica ?anti? im Rahmen des Geographischen Kolloquiums (07.12.2017)

Serbia’s response to the current migration crisis: new strategies and policies for managing mixed migration flows?

Am Donnerstag, 07. Dezember 2017 um 18 Uhr c.t. in KR12/02.18 wird Ass. Prof. Dr. Danica ?anti? von der University of Belgrade einen Gastvortrag zu "Serbia’s response to the current migration crisis: new strategies and policies for managing mixed migration flows?" halten.

Treffpunkt ist, wie immer, 18 Uhr c.t. im Raum Kr12/02.18. Alle Interessierten sind - zum Kolloquium, wie auch zum Postkolloquium - herzlich eingeladen!

Abstract zum Vortrag:

The role of Serbia as a key transit country along the Balkan Route started to scaling up since this ‘formalized corridor’ become increasingly important for the informal migration movements of thousands of individuals since 2015. Unique development along the route enabled refugees to cross the Balkans within a few days, which implied an unprecedented increase in overall numbers of asylum-seekers arriving in Europe, mainly in Germany. The official closure of the Balkan route in March 2016 respond to the increasing number of immobile waiting asylum seekers. The humanitarian response to this new emergency in Sebia begun in 2015 with establishing the Working Group on Mixed Migration Flows, which involves five different Ministries, international organizations and NGOs. The massive increase in population movements has strained the asylum procedural system and put into question policies and border controls together with diplomatic relations, transforming this question from humanitarian to the security approach. This presentation is a result of a collaborative project led by Claudio Minca (Macquarie University, Sidney/Australia), Dragan Umek (University of Trieste/Italy) and Danica ?anti? (Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade/Serbia).