Vortrag von Dr. Petr Jehli?ka (The Open University, Milton Keynes) im Rahmen des Geographischen Kolloquiums (03.05.2018)

Food for thought: Food re-localisation and the unequal geography of knowledge production

Am Donnerstag, 03. Mai 2018 um 18 Uhr c.t. in KR12/02.18 wird Dr. Petr Jehlicka von The Open University, Milton Keynes einen Gastvortrag zu "Food for thougt: Food re-localisation and the unequal geography of knowledge production" halten.

Treffpunkt ist, wie immer, 18 Uhr c.t. im Raum Kr12/02.18. Alle Interessierten sind - zum Kolloquium, wie auch zum Postkolloquium - herzlich eingeladen!

Abstract zum Vortrag:

Since the early 2000s 'lopsided' geographies of knowledge production and context-dependent hierarchies of knowledge claims have been subject to growing critique. The talk seeks to make sense of the invisibility, to Western academia, of alternative food provisioning practices in non-Western contexts as a reserch topic with the potential to inform food scholarship?s general theorisations. Looking at how food re-localisation practices in the periphery have been read from the West is instructive for the understanding of how certain knowledge 'travels' and becomes a universally accepted knowledge - or theory - or remains a partial knowledge with the validity resricted to particular places and circulating within specific academic subfields.