Teaching Staff
Dr. Martin Affolderbach (IMPEQ I, II, III) Education and Normativity (Module 2)
Dr. Matthias Borgstede (IMPEQ I, III) Measuring and Documentation (Module 6, 7, 8)
Dr. Viateur Habarurema (IMPEQ III) Education and Normativity (Module 2)
Frederick Njobati, MA (IMPEQ IV) Development of Quality (Module 9)
Claude Njoya, MA (IMPEQ IV) Measuring and Documentation (Module 7)
Christine Nyiramana, MA (IMPEQ III, IV) Measuring and Documentation (Modules 6, 7)
Dr. Caroline Rau (IMPEQ IV) Theories of Educational Quality (Module 4)
Prof. Dr. Annette Scheunpflug (IMPEQ I, II, III, IV) Education and Normativity (Module 1) Theories of Educational Quality (Modules 3, 4, 5) Development of Quality (Modules 9, 10)
Dr. Susanne Timm (IMPEQ IV) Development of Quality (Module 10)
Dr. Mark Wenz (IMPEQ IV) Measuring and Documentation (Module 8)
Former Members of the Teaching Staff:
Dr. Claudia Bergmüller-Hauptmann (IMPEQ I) Measuring and Documentation (Module 6)
Dr. Tharcisse Gatwa (IMPEQ I) Education and Normativity (Module 2)
Hubert Heindl (IMPEQ I, II) Project work (Modules 12, 13)
Dr. Susanne Krogull (IMPEQ I, II, III) Theories of Educational Quality (Module 3, 4, 5) Measuring and Documenting (Modules 6, 7, 8) Development of Quality (Module 9, 10) Project work (Modules 12, 13)
Dr. Sarah Lange (IMPEQ I, II, III) Measuring and Documentation (Modules 6, 8)
Dr. Maximilian Pfost (IMPEQ I, II) Measuring and Documenting (Module 7)
Dr. Susanne Ress (IMPEQ III, IV, V (Module 7, 8)
Mentoring / Additional support:
Anne-Christine Banze
Dr. Christof Beer
Lea Markus
Frederick Njobati
Christine Nyiramana
Ernest Claude Nyoja
Louise Ohlig
Dr. Monika Rapold
Dr. Caroline Rau
Dr. Susanne Ress
Sonja Richter
Dr. Marcel Scholz
Abraham Tangwe
Dr. Susanne Timm
Dr. Mark Wenz
Former Members of the Mentoring Staff:
Prof. Dr. Katja Andersen
Simone Beck
Mercy Fai
Almut J?cklein

Lea Markus
Executive Director
Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Germany

Frederick Njobati
Executive Director

Ernest Claude Njoya
Protestant Institute of Arts and Sciences, Rwanda