Neuigkeiten aus der europ?ischen und internationalen Forschungsf?rderung (November 2024)

1. BayIntAn: Ausschreibung f¨¹r Anschubfinanzierung f¨¹r internationale Kooperationen

2. DAAD: SAFE ¨C Schutzprogramm f¨¹r gef?hrdete Forschende, Einreichungsfrist 20.01.2025

3. DFG-NSTC: Taiwan-German Collaboration in Research, deadline 05.02.2025

4. DFG-AHRC: UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities, deadline 19.02.2025

5. DFG-UNAM 2024/2025: Mexican-German Joint Call for Proposals, deadline 24.02.2025

1. BayIntAn: Ausschreibung f¨¹r Anschubfinanzierung f¨¹r internationale Kooperationen

Das Programm f?rdert Antr?ge auf eine Finanzierung zur Anbahnung internationaler Kooperationen. Die F?rderung stellt eine unkomplizierte M?glichkeit dar, pers?nliche Treffen mit potentiellen Projektpartnern im Ausland (und auch in Bamberg) zu arrangieren, um so gemeinsame Vorhaben einfacher auf den Weg zu bringen.

2. DAAD: SAFE ¨C Schutzprogramm f¨¹r gef?hrdete Forschende, Einreichungsfrist 20.01.2025

Unter Federf¨¹hrung des DAAD wurde das neue Schutzprogramm SAFE ins Leben gerufen. Es erm?glicht insgesamt 60 gef?hrdeten Forschenden, ihre Arbeit in Europa fortzusetzen. Ab Mitte Oktober k?nnen sich Forschende und Hochschulen ¨¹ber die Projektwebsite vernetzen und ab Mitte November offiziell bewerben.


3. DFG-NSTC: Taiwan-German Collaboration in Research, deadline 05.02.2025

The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are launching a call for proposals for outstanding joint research projects in all fields of science. This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and Taiwan to design and carry out collaborative research projects. Funds to be used on the Taiwanese side must be requested from the NSTC; funds to be used on the German side must be requested from the DFG. Special attention is given to the integrated character of proposed projects, from the concept to the work plan. Funding is only available for projects that involve a convincing collaboration between the German and Taiwanese partners and for which the anticipated research benefit is clearly outlined.

4. DFG-AHRC: UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities, deadline 19.02.2025

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are launching a call for proposals for outstanding joint UK-German research projects in the humanities.

Both funding agencies want to strengthen international cooperation in the fields of arts and humanities to fund academic research of the highest quality within their own countries, and are aware that some of the best research can only be achieved by working with the best researchers internationally. The scheme will provide funding for integrated UK-German projects. The partner agencies will organise a coordinated peer review and a single joint selection process. Funding will be distributed among the research partners according to scholars¡¯ place of work and, more generally, according to the funding rules of each individual agency.

5. DFG-UNAM 2024/2025: Mexican-German Joint Call for Proposals, deadline 24.02.2025

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Universidad Nacional Aut¨®noma de M¨¦xico (UNAM) are pleased to announce the third call for proposals to fund joint German-Mexican research projects in all fields of research (including social sciences and the humanities). This initiative aims to bring together relevant and competitive researchers from Germany and from UNAM to design and carry out jointly organised research projects of outstanding scientific quality.

Proposals for joint German-Mexican projects have to be submitted in parallel by the researchers in Germany and at UNAM to their respective funding organisation according to the organisations¡¯ respective format and regulations.

  • Duration: up to 3 years
  • Deadline: 24.02.2025

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