Research Workshop
Limited attention and scarce cognitive resources: Recent advances in theory and economic applications
July 17-18, 2014 in Bamberg
We are pleased to announce that the workshop “Limited attention and scarce cognitive resources: Recent advances in theory and economic applications” will take place in Bamberg on July 17-18, 2014. The aim of the workshop is to gather researchers who currently work on topics related to attention and cognition and engage them in fruitful discussion.
When? Sessions will start at 3 pm on July 17 and the workshop will terminate at (about) 3.15 pm on
July 18.
Where? Hotel Brudermühle, Schranne1, 96049 Bamberg
A tentative program can be found here(513.0 KB, 1 Seite).
There will be a few seats available to interested researchers who wish to attend the workshop without presenting. Please write an email to stefanie.schmitt(at)
This workshop has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no PCIG11-GA-2012_322253 (Limited Attention).

Contact Address:
University of Bamberg
Chair of Public Economics
Feldkirchenstr. 21
D-96045 Bamberg
Phone: +49 951 863 2548