Neues NEPS Survey Paper mit Prof. Heineck

Gemeinsam mit Nadja B?mmel (BAGSS), Jacqueline Kroh (LIfBi) und Michael Gebel (Univ. Bamberg) hat Prof. Heineck ein NEPS Survey Paper ver?ffentlicht.

Social Inclusion as Return to Education in the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS)


In the overarching framework of returns to education covered in the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), social inclusion represents one of several dimensions of so-called nonmonetary returns. By implementing this research scheme in the NEPS surveys, we pursue the goal of providing data that allow scholars to examine social inclusion as a (causal) educational return and trust as associated mechanism. To do so, it is necessary to implement adequate and relevant instruments in the NEPS studies. In this paper, we outline the theoretical framework for social inclusion as a return to education. Furthermore, we introduce the measurement concept for all starting cohorts (SC) of the NEPS and present first descriptive analyses of the corresponding items.

Keywords: Returns to education, NEPS, social inclusion, social participation, social belonging, trust