Workshop: Intercultural Competence – German academic culture


Dear international researchers,

we are happy to invite you to a Workshop with our intercultural expert Armin Gertz on Friday, 28.06.2019. Participation is free and your spouses are welcome as well, of course. If you want to participate, please let us know until Tuesday, June 25th, via e-mail to Please note that the number of participants is limited due to the conception of the workshop which includes interaction. The places will be allocated via the ?first come first served“-principle. Here’s the detailed information about the workshop:


Workshop: Intercultural Competence – German academic culture

Instructor: Armin Gertz

Date: 28.06.2019

Time: 14:00h s.t - 18:00h

Room: WE5/04.076 (An der Weberei 5)

This intercultural course is supposed to help international researchers to understand the typical research, learning and teaching culture at a German university. The workshop will deal with the following questions:

-          What’s typically German?

-          How do I behave appropriately in Germany if German cultural values are different to those of my culture?

-          How do I get in contact with Germans?

-          What means intercultural competence in academia?

-          How can I work effectively in German academic culture? What are the differences to my home county’s academic culture?

The participants

-          will be sensitized for typically German habits and values

-          will learn helpful theoretical models of culture

-          will analyze authentic examples

-          will discuss critical intercultural incidents in academia as well as in everyday life and will learn how to deal with them

Please think about examples for irritating intercultural experiences you’ve had in Germany to discuss them during the workshop.

The course will be held in English.


Kind regards

The Welcome Center Team


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