Anh Nguyen, M.Sc.

Raum: FMA 1.05
Tel.: +49(0)951/863-2825

Betreute Lehrveranstaltungen

  • ?bung The Future of Work (Master, WS 2023/24)
  • ?bung Leadership and Management Development (Master, WS 2023/24)


Expatriate, job embeddedness, cross-cultural psychology


Dissertation Project: ”Managing expatriates’ retention via job embeddedness”


Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2024). “Many places to call home”: A typology of job embeddedness among internationally relocated workers and its relationship to personal initiative, intent to stay in the host country, and intent to stay in the organization. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(7), 1370-1402. Impact factor)

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2024). Job embeddedness among internationally relocated workers between spillover effects, crossover effects, and transnationalism: A review and agenda for future research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(5), 868-931. Impact factor)

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2023). “A laugh a day keeps the failure away": The role of self-enhancing humor and host country community embeddedness in career satisfaction of dual-earner expatriate couples. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1125136. (Open Access) (Impact Factor: 4.232)

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2022). Future research on self-initiated expatriation: Emerging topics. In: M. Andresen et al. (Eds.), Wanderlust to wonderland? Exploring key issues in expatriate careers: Individual, organizational, and societal insights (pp. 279-292). (M. Andresen & J. Volmer, Book Series Eds., Human Resource Management and Work and Organisational Psychology, Vol. 2). University of Bamberg Press.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2024). Home sweet home abroad: Managing job embeddedness of migrant workers. WiSt Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 2024(2-3), 10-16. 

Andresen, M., Nguyen, A., & Luong, H. (2022). Global Mobility of Employees: Issues, results and impacts of the GLOMO project. The Project Repository Journal PRJ, 14(7), 76-79.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2022). ?A laugh a day keeps the failure away“: How do self-enhancing humor and community embeddedness promote subjective career success of dual-earner migrant couples? In: Posterausstellung Geschlechtersensibel forschen, Bamberg/Germany, December 14, 2022.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2022). “Many places to call home”: A typology of migrants’ job embeddedness and its relationship to personal initiative, intent to stay in the host country, and intent to stay in the organization. Paper as part of a Presenter Symposium ?Seeking to gain a foothold in the new country: Individual and organizational factors shaping migrants’ labor market integration‘ (by K. Wehrle & L. Niemann). In: Proceedings of the 52nd DGPs Congress, ID 933, Hildesheim/Germany, September 10 – 15, 2022.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2022). Job embeddedness in the international migration context between spillover effects, crossover effects, and transnationalism: A review and agenda for future research. In: Proceedings of the Academy of International Business 2022 Conference, ID 427, Miami/USA, July 6 - 9, 2022.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2021). “Many places to call home”: Embedding types and relationships with personal initiative and stay intention. In: Proceedings of the 81st Academy of Management 2021 Annual Meeting, 13707, “Bringing the manager back in management”, Philadelphia/USA (online), July 30 - August 3, 2021. 

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2021). How job embeddedness of migrant employees look like? Empirical evidence of embedding types and their relationships with personal initiative, intent to stay in host country and intent to stay in organisation. In: Proceedings of the European Academy of Management 2021 Annual Conference, “Reshaping capitalism for a sustainable world”, Montréal/CAN (online), June 16 - 18, 2021. 

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2019). Why expatriates stay abroad: A systematic review on expatriates’ job embeddedness abroad and presentation of a research map. In: Proceedings of the European Academy of Management 2019 Conference ‘Exploring the Future of Management’, Lisbon/P, June 26 - 28, 2019.

Nguyen, A., & Andresen, M. (2019). Why expatriates stay abroad: A systematic review on expatriates’ job embeddedness abroad and presentation of a research map. In: Proceedings of the European Academy of Management 2019 Conference ‘Exploring the Future of Management’, Lisbon/Portugal, June 26 - 28, 2019.

Andresen, M., & Nguyen, A. (2022). Wie die Integration von Zugewanderten gelingen kann. Deutsche Optikerzeitung DOZ, 07/2022, 29-33.

Akademischer Werdegang

  • M.Sc. in Social and Organizational Psychology - Leiden University, The Netherlands

  • BA in Personnel Organizational Psychology - Vietnam National University, Vietnam


  • Seit 2023 - Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin, am Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Personalmanagement und Organisational Behaviour, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg
  • 2018 – 2021 EARLY STAGE RESEARCHER - GLOMO, Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Germany
  • 2018 – 2021 RESEARCH ASSISTANT - Worldwide Orphans Foundation, Vietnam
  • 2017 – 2018 INTERN HR BUSINESS PARTNER GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN - Henkel Global Supply Chain B.V., The Netherlands
  • 2016 – 2017 TRAINING COORDINATOR (RTC – SEA Region) - TetraPak Vietnam, Vietnam
  • 2016 – 2017 SENIOR TRAINING OFFICER - Manulife Vietnam, Vietnam


  • Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS) (2017)
  • Scholarships for good academic performance – Vietnam National University (2011-2013)