Career and Educational Prospects

Based on the social and academic skills first acquired during the bachelor's degree programme, graduates of the Master of Arts in Romance Studies complete their studies with a heightened ability to work in heterogeneous groups in a constructive, target-oriented manner and take on increasing levels of responsibility in this context. Group work teaches them to present their opinion and substantiate it with structured arguments in order to develop constructive solutions collaboratively. Their teaching and research in diverse groups also gives them a zero-tolerance approach towards discrimination and an awareness of the following aspects (at least): gender/sex, ethnicity, language/dialect, home country, ancestry, faith/worldview, religious and political opinions, disability, illness etc. 

They understand their own specialist, methodical and social skills and are aware of the many ways in which they can be applied in the relevant professions.?They have a concrete idea of their future career and the relevance of the skills they have acquired, and they know their next professional steps. They are able to acquire new knowledge in a deliberate manner. 

Potential careers 

  • Media and journalism 

  • Publishing and culture management 

  • Press and PR work for international and European organisations (as mentioned above, French and Spanish are the official languages of several international organisations and more than 45 countries) and public offices. 

  • Language mediation 

Postgraduate Studies 

Building on a successfully completed bachelor's programme, students are eligible to pursue a master’s degree programme at the Institute for Romance Studies and deepen their existing skills and knowledge in the field of Romance literary studies, linguistics and/or cultural studies.?