

Institute of Archaeology, Heritage Sciences and Art History (IADK)?
University of Bamberg, 96045 Bamberg

Departmental Secretary:?
Janett Herzer
Am Kranen 14, Room 01.04?
96047 Bamberg?
Tel: +49 (0)951 863-2387?
Fax: +49 (0)951 863-5387 or -1193?
E-mail: janett.herzer(at)

Office hours:??
Mo. - Wed. 9.30 - 11.30 am ??
and by appointment

Central Student Advising

If you have problems or questions regarding your course of study at Bamberg University, the staff of the Central Student Advising office is available to assist you.

Semester Calendar and Deadlines

Information on the start and end dates of current and future semesters as well as holidays, exam periods and various deadlines can be found here.