Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

Welcome to the research pages of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration! The faculty's numerous research projects and activities cover a wide range of topics in the social sciences. Our research projects focus on "Education in the Life Course," "Economic Decisions, Corporate Governance, and Medium-sized Companies," "Labour Markets and Work Organisation," "Capital markets," "Governance, Institutional Change, and Political Action," and "Mathematical Modelling, Quantitative Modelling, Statistics and Econometrics." These main areas of research are reflected in the various ongoing and completed research projects.
By focusing on these areas of research, the faculty contributes significantly to the development of the University of Bamberg's research profile.
The research projects of the teaching and research units are complemented by projects of several renowned research institutes and Graduate Schools based at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration. Together with the teaching and research units, they provide valuable support to the faculty's early-stage scholars.
Links to the individual research groups