ACM SIGMIS Early Career Award an Dr. Christian Maier verliehen
Die Computer and People Research (CPR) Konferenz der Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group (SIG) Management Information Systems (MIS) ist eine der ?ltesten internationalen Konferenzen der Wirtschaftsinformatik / Information Systems. Seit Jahren bietet die renommierte SIGMIS CPR Konferenz Forschern eine Plattform, über aktuelle Fragestellungen rund um das Thema Digitalisierung zu diskutieren. Ausrichter der diesj?hrigen CPR Konferenz w?re mit Nürnberg erstmals eine deutsche Stadt gewesen. Die aktuellen Gegebenheiten (covid-19) erm?glichen es jedoch nicht, die Konferenz als Pr?senzveranstaltung abzuhalten.
Neben regul?ren Pr?sentationen aktueller Forschungsarbeiten sowie Panel-Diskussionen wurde in den letzten Jahren stets ein Forscher der internationalen scientific Community mit dem SIGMIS Lifetime Achievement Award ausgezeichnet (z.B. Ephraim McLean, Thomas Ferratt). In diesem Jahr wurde zus?tzlich erstmals der SIGMIS Early Career Award verliehen. Dieser Award zeichnet internationale NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen aus, welche herausragende Leistung in Forschung und Lehre nachweisen k?nnen und nachhaltig zur Disziplin der Information Systems beigetragen haben. Diesen Preis bekam in diesem Jahr Herr Dr. Christian Maier im Rahmen eines virtuellen Zoom-Meetings überreicht. Herr Dr. Maier geht somit als erster Preistr?ger dieses Awards in die Historie ein und dies wurde wie folgt begründet:
“It is our great pleasure to announce that Dr. Christian Maier, University of Bamberg, Germany, is the recipient of the 2020 ACM SIGMIS Early Career Award. Dr. Maier is the first recipient of this new honor that recognizes the early achievements of young scholars in the field of management information systems. The award will be announced annually at the ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference.
Following his studies in Information Systems, Dr. Maier received a three-year doctoral scholarship from the Bavarian Elite Foundation (BayEFG). He successfully completed his doctorate “Technostress: theoretical foundations and empirical evidence” in 2014. His work was awarded, among others, the Schmalenbach Prize 2015. In addition, his research work was nominated for Best Paper Awards (at both ECIS and ICIS) and was awarded the Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper Award of the ACM, among others.
Dr. Maier’s research interests include individual acceptance and use of information technology (IT), technostress, work stress, IT addiction, resistance to new technologies and the IT workforce. His research on these topics has been published in various journals, including nine articles in the AIS Senior Scholar Journal Basket. The AIS ranking service list Dr. Maier among the Top-50 information scholars worldwide according to publications in the AIS Senior Scholar Journal Basket during the last five years. His research is also recognized by various organizations that build on Dr. Maier’s work.
Dr. Maier is also well known for this teaching and service endeavors. He served as program chair for the ACM SIGMIS CPR conference in 2020 and as track chair at various conferences. His teaching activities have been awarded among others with the award for excellent teaching at Bavarian universities provided by the minister of state for research.
Dr. Maier’s achievements in research, teaching and service make him a role model for young scholars and students in the field of management information systems, such that it is our privilege to recognize his achievements with the ACM SIGMIS Early Career Award 2020.“