Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich



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Bartel, L., Ochs, M., Hirmer, T., & Henrich, A. (2024). Design Principles for a Study Planning Assistant in Higher Education. CHIIR ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 243–253.

Henrich, A., Gradl, T., & Jegan, R. (2024). Suchwerkzeuge für Sammlungen: Herausforderungen, Trends und Strategien. In P. Burschel, U. Gleixner, M. von Lüneburg, & T. Steyer (Eds.), Forschen in Sammlungen: Dynamiken, Transformationen, Perspektiven (pp. 57–77). Wallstein.

Henrich, A., Müller, W., Seeger, B., & St?rl, U. (2024). Editorial. Datenbank-Spektrum, 24(2, Data Management for Research Data Infrastructures), Online First.

Hirmer, T., St?ckl, A., Struck, O., & Henrich, A. (2024). Baula – die Studienplanungsassistentin.

Martin, L., & Henrich, A. (2024). RDFtex in-depth: knowledge exchange between LATEX-based research publications and Scientific Knowledge Graphs. International Journal on Digital Libraries, 25(3), 517–535.

Albrecht, S., Holl, K., Bellendorf, P., Diederich, V., Schreg, R., Wittmann, B., Redepenning, M., Scheunpflug, A., Franz, J., Kühn, C., Keldenich, G.-V., Alzheimer, H., Vinken, G., Brassat, W., Wagner, B., Henrich, A., Gradl, T., & Wings, O. (2023). uni.vers Forschung: das Magazin der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg. In uni.vers (Issue Mai 23, Historisches und kulturelles Erbe – zwischen Bedrohung und Chance = Historical and Cultural Heritage-Between threat and opportunity, pp. 1–48). Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg.

Bullin, M., & Henrich, A. (2023). Applied Face Recognition in the Humanities. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3630, 179–191.

Hirmer, T., Ochs, M., & Henrich, A. (2023c). Vertical Search Scenarios within a Digital Study Planning Assistant. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3630, 239–246.

Hirmer, T., Ochs, M., & Henrich, A. (2023a). Studierende und die Studienplanung: Untersuchung von Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven eines digitalen Studienplanungsassistenten: Abstract. GI Edition Proceedings: 21. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Band 338, 291–292.

Hirmer, T., Ochs, M., & Henrich, A. (2023b). Studierende und die Studienplanung: Untersuchung von Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven eines digitalen Studienplanungsassistenten: Poster.

Hirmer, T., Ochs, M., Rottmann, S., Past, K., & Henrich, A. (2023). Course Selection Criteria and Digital Assistance in a Modularized World. ICERI2023 Proceedings, 4626–4631.

Jegan, R., Fruth, L., Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2023). Integrating Access to Authority Data for Improved Interoperability of Research Data in the Digital Humanities. Datenbanksysteme Für Business, Technologie Und Web (BTW 2023): 06.-10. M?rz 2023 in Dresden, Deutschland, 829–836.

Lederer, R., Bullin, M. H., & Henrich, A. (2023). Exploiting Exif Data to Improve Image Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2023? 22nd International Conference, ICIAP 2023, Udine, Italy, September 11–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part I, 475–486.

Martin, L., & Henrich, A. (2023). A Testbed for Dual-Entity Knowledge Panels. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3630, 231–238.

Ochs, M., Hirmer, T., & Henrich, A. (2023). Concept and Possible Impacts of a Study Planning Assistant in Higher Education. Proceedings of the IEEE, 161–165.

Ochs, M., Hirmer, T., Past, K., & Henrich, A. (2023). Design-Focused Development of?a?Course Recommender System for?Digital Study Planning. New Trends in Database and Information Systems: ADBIS 2023 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops: AIDMA, DOING, K-Gals, MADEISD, PeRS, Barcelona, Spain, September 4–7, 2023; Proceedings, 575–582.


Eisenmann, R., Sticht, M., Hirmer, T., Henrich, A., & Scheunpflug, A. (2022). Studentische E-Portfolio-Nutzung: Begleitung der Entwicklung und Einführung von Mahara an der Universit?t Bamberg.

Hirmer, T., Etschmann, J., & Henrich, A. (2022). Requirements and Prototypical Implementation of a Study Planning Assistant in CS Programs. Proceedings of the IEEE, 281–285.

Martin, L., & Henrich, A. (2022a). RDFtex: Knowledge Exchange Between LaTeX-Based Research Publications and?Scientific Knowledge Graphs. Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2022, Padua, Italy, September 20–23, 2022, Proceedings, 26–38.

Martin, L., & Henrich, A. (2022b). Specification and Validation of Quality Criteria for Git Repositories using RDF and SHACL. LWDA 2022 Lernen, Wissen, Daten, Analysen 2022: Proceedings of the LWDA 2022 Workshops: FGWM, FGKD, and FGDB, 124–135.


Aubele, L., Martin, L., Hirmer, T., & Henrich, A. (2021). An Architecture for the Automated Assessment of Web Programming Tasks. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop “Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben” (ABP 2021),Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, 11–18.

Henrich, A., & Gradl, T. (2021). Integration von Forschungsdaten: Wie k?nnen Forschungsinfrastrukturen helfen?. In E.-M. Seng & F. G?ttmann (Eds.), Innovation in der Bauwirtschaft (pp. 749–762). De Gruyter.

Henrich, A., Jegan, R., & Gradl, T. (2021). Data Retrieval. In M. Putnings, H. Neuroth, & J. Neumann (Eds.), Praxishandbuch Forschungsdatenmanagement (pp. 427–450). De Gruyter Saur.

Hirmer, T., Heyne, N., & Henrich, A. (2021). Die kompetenzorientierte Studienplanung: Entwicklung eines Tools zur Unterstützung von (Lehramts-)Studierenden. DELFI 2021. Die 19. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 121–126.

Martin, L., Engl, F., & Henrich, A. (2021). Requirements for an Open Search Infrastructure from the Perspective of a Vertical Provider.


Bullin, M. H., & Henrich, A. (2020). Die inhaltsbasierte Bildsuche und Bilderschlie?ung: Ans?tze und Problemfelder. In C. Hastik & P. Hegel (Eds.), Bilddaten in den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften (pp. 11–34). Harrassowitz Verlag.

Jegan, R., Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2020). Anforderungen an das Forschungsdatenmanagement an einer mittelgro?en Universit?t und Konzeption einer prototypischen L?sung. DHd 2020 Spielr?ume: Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation; Konferenzabstracts, 274–275.

Martin, L., Boockmann, J., & Henrich, A. (2020). Fast Pathfinding in Knowledge Graphs Using Word Embeddings. KI 2020: Advances in Artificial Intelligence; 43rd German Conference on AI, Bamberg, Germany, September 21–25, 2020, Proceedings, 12325, 305--312.

Martin, L., & Henrich, A. (2020). First Thoughts on a Data Lake Architecture for an Open Search Infrastructure.


Hess, M., Schlieder, C., Troi, A., Huth, O., Jagfeld, M., Hindmarch, J., & Henrich, A. (2019). Digital Technologies in Heritage Conservation. Methods of Teaching and Learning This M.Sc. Degree, Unique in Germany. In A. Luigini (Ed.), Proceedings of the 1st International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Digital Environments for Education, Arts and Heritage: EARTH 2018 (pp. 53–63). Springer.

Hirmer, T., & Henrich, A. (2019). Lecture Recordings at the University – Analysis and Evaluation of Implementation Possibilities. Blended Learning: Educational Innovation for Personalized Learning: 12th International Conference, ICBL 2019, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, July 2–4, 2019, Proceedings, 151–163.




Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2017). Georeferencing Old Large-Scale Maps from a Research on Historical Routes Perspective. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Exploring Old Maps, 9–11.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2017). Explicating knowledge on data models through domain specific languages. Informatik 2017: 25.- 29. September 2017 Chemnitz, Deutschland, Proceedings, 1125–1136.

Kufer, S., & Henrich, A. (2017). Quadtree-based Resource Description Techniques for Spatial Data in Distributed Databases. Datenbanksysteme Für Business, Technologie Und Web (BTW 2017): 17. Fachtagung Des GI-Fachbereichs “Datenbanken Und Informationssyteme” (DBIS): 06.-10.03.2017 in Stuttgart, Deutschland, 445–464.

Wolter, D., Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2017). Georeferencing River Networks Using Spatial Reasoning. GIR’17: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval.

bis 2016

Blank, D., Boosz, S., & Henrich, A. (2016). IT Company Atlas Upper Franconia: A Practical Application of Expert Search Techniques. SAC ’16: Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1048–1053.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2016b). A depth-first branch-and-bound algorithm for geocoding historic itinerary tables. Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2016a). Die computergestützte Erschlie?ung und Visualisierung historischer Itinerare. DHd 2016: Modellierung, Vernetzung, Visualisierung: die Digital Humanitis als f?cherübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma: Konferenzabstracts: Universit?t Leipzig 7. bis 12. M?rz 2016, DHd 2016?: Modellierung, Vernetzung, Visualisierung?: die Digital Humanitis als f?cherübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma?: Konferenzabstracts?: Universit?t Leipzig 7. bis 12. M?rz 2016, 277–281.

Blank, D., Henrich, A., & Kufer, S. (2016). Using Summaries to Search and Visualize Distributed Resources Addressing Spatial and Multimedia Features. Datenbank-Spektrum, 16(1), 67–76.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2016a). Die DARIAH-DE-F?derationsarchitektur: Datenintegration im Spannungsfeld forschungsspezifischer und dom?nenübergreifender Anforderungen. Bibliothek, 40(2), 222–228.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2016c). Data Integration for the Arts and Humanities: A Language Theoretical Concept. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, Hannover, Germany, September 5–9, 2016, Proceedings, 281–293.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2016d). Extending Data Models by Declaratively Specifying Contextual Knowledge. DocEng ’16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, 123–126.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2016b). Nutzung und Kombination von Daten aus strukturierten und unstrukturierten Quellen zur Identifikation transnationaler Lebensl?ufe. DHd 2016: Modellierung, Vernetzung, Visualisierung: die Digital Humanitis als f?cherübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma: Konferenzabstracts: Universit?t Leipzig 7. bis 12. M?rz 2016, 129–132.

Gradl, T., Lordick, H., & Henrich, A. (2016). Judaica recherchieren: Unterstützung bei der Realisierung forschungsspezifischer Suchl?sungen durch die generische Suche. DHd 2016: Modellierung, Vernetzung, Visualisierung: die Digital Humanitis als f?cherübergreifendes Forschungsparadigma: Konferenzabstracts: Universit?t Leipzig 7. bis 12. M?rz 2016, 132–136.

Henrich, A., & Blank, D. (2016). Assessing Interestingness and Importance of Information Retrieval Course Topics in a Course for Three Different Target Groups. CERI ’16: Proceedings of the 4th Spanish Conference on Information Retrieval.

Blank, D., Boosz, S., & Henrich, A. (2015). Company Search: When Documents are only Second Class Citizens. Proceedings of the LWA 2015 Workshops: KDML, FGWM, IR, and FGDB (LWA 2015), Trier, Germany, October 7-9, 2015, CEUR workshop proceedings; 1458, 361–368.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2015). Geocoding Place Names From Historic Route Descriptions = Article No. 9. GIR ’15: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval.

Gradl, T., Henrich, A., & Plutte, C. (2015). Heterogene Daten in den Digital Humanities: Eine Architektur zur forschungsorientierten F?deration von Kollektionen. Zeitschrift für digitale Geisteswissenschaften, Sonderband 1, Grenzen und M?glichkeiten der Digital Humanities.

Henrich, A., & Gradl, T. (2015). Erforschung der Weltenwanderer: ?ber die Nutzung der Wikipedia zur Identifikation grenzüberschreitender Lebensl?ufe. Uni.vers Forschung, Ein Universum des Wissens für alle-Bamberger Perspektiven auf die Wikipedia, 46–49.

Henrich, A., Heyer, G., Schlieder, C., & H?rder, T. (2015). Editorial: Schwerpunktthema; Informationsmanagement für Digital Humanities. Datenbank-Spektrum, 15, 1–6.

Stadelmann, T., Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2015). Implementierung von IR-Modellen auf Basis spaltenorientierter Datenbanken oder invertierter Listen. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2015), Hauptband, 299–308.

Bergner, A., & Schmid, U. (2014). LWA 2013: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivit?t; Workshop Proceedings Bamberg, 7.-9. October 2013.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2014). A novel approach for a reusable federation of research data within the arts and humanities. Digital Humanities 2014: Conference Abstracts EPFL-UNIL Lausanne, Switzerland 8-12 July 2014, 382–384.

Gradl, T., Plutte, C., & Henrich, A. (2014). Die DARIAH-DE Architektur zur forschungsorientierten F?deration von Kollektionen in den Digital Humanities. 1–8.

Kufer, S., & Henrich, A. (2014). Hybrid Quantized Resource Descriptions for Geospatial Source Selection. LocWeb ’14: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Location and the Web, 17–24.

Wolf, S., Henrich, A., & Blank, D. (2014). Characterization of toponym usages in texts = Article No. 7. GIR ’14: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2013). Resource Description and Selection for Range Query Processing in General Metric Spaces. Datenbanksysteme Für Business, Technologie Und Web (BTW) 2013: Tagung Vom 13. - 15. M?rz 2013 in Magdeburg, 93–112.

Gradl, T., & Henrich, A. (2013). DARIAH(-DE): Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities — Concepts and Perspectives. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 7(Issue supplement: Convergence, Collaboration, and Creativity Essays from the 2012 Taiwan), 47–58.

Kufer, S., Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2013). Using Hybrid Techniques for Resource Description and Selection in the Context of Distributed Geographic Information Retrieval. Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 13th International Symposium, SSTD 2013, Munich, Germany, August 21-23, 2013: Proceedings, 330–347.

Sperker, H.-C., & Henrich, A. (2013). Feature-based object recognition - A case study for car model detection. 11th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), 2013; Proceedings, 127–130.

Stocker, C., Siebers, M., & Schmid, U. (2013). Erkennung von Sequenzen mimischer Schmerzausdrücke durch genetische Programmierung. 117–120.

Stocker, C., Uhrmann, F., Scholz, O., Hügel, C., Rademacher, T., Siebers, M., & Schmid, U. (2013). A machine learning approach to drought stress level classification of tobacco plants. LWA 2013: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivit?t Workshop Proceedings, Bamberg, 7.-9.Oktober 2013, 174–178.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2012). Describing and selecting collections of georeferenced media items in peer-to-peer information retrieval systems. In L. Díaz, C. Granell, & J. Huerta (Eds.), Discovery of geospatial resources: methodologies, technologies, and emergent applications (pp. 1–20). IGI Global.

Blank, D., Fuhr, N., Henrich, A., Mandl, T., R?lleke, Thomas, Schütze, H., & Stein, B. (2011). Teaching IR: Curricular Considerations. In E. Efthimiadis, J. M. Fernández-Luna, J. F. Huete, & A. MacFarlane (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in Information Retrieval (pp. 31–46). Springer.

Fries, T., Boosz, S., & Henrich, A. (2011). Integrating industrial partners into e-teaching efforts - using social networks to support the initiation of co-operations. Information Und Wissen: Global, Sozial Und Frei?; Proceedings Des 12. Internationalen Symposiums Für Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011); Hildesheim, 9. - 11. M?rz 2011, 454–466.

Fries, T., & Henrich, A. (2011). Hybrid Learning: A Powerful Opportunity to Integrate SMEs in Courses as a Third Party.. Hybrid learning: 4th international conference, ICHL 2011, Hong Kong, China, August 10 - 12, 2011; proceedings, 176–187.

Henrich, A. (2011b). Forschungsinfrastruktur: Auf dem (langen) Weg zu den e-Humanities. Uni.vers Forschung, 17: Digital Humanities : Technologien für die Geisteswissenschaften, 11–15.

Henrich, A. (2011a). Digital Humanities studieren: vielf?ltige M?glichkeiten vom einzelnen Modul bis zum speziellen Studiengang. Uni.vers Forschung, 17: Digital Humanities : Technologien für die Geisteswissenschaften, 56–59.

Henrich, A. (2011c). The Spatial Visibility of Terms and Phrases on the Internet: Approaches, Observations and Perspectives. Visibility in Information Spaces and in Geographic Environments. Post- Proceedings of the KI’11 Workshop (October 4th, 2011, TU Berlin, Germany), 35–37.

Henrich, A., & Deschauer, B. (2011). Digitale Geisteswissenschaften (1st ed.). DARIAH-DE.

Henrich, A., & Gooren-Sieber, S. (2011). Hybrid Learning: “Neither Fish Nor Fowl” or “The Golden Mean”. Hybrid Learning: Third International Conference, ICHL 2010, Beijing, China, August 16-18, 2010; Proceedings, 82–93.

Henrich, A., & Gradl, T. (2011). IR-Unterstützung für die Digital Humanities: Problemstellungen und erste L?sungsideen. LWA 2011: Lernen, Wissen, Adaption.

Henrich, A., Hub, A., & Sieber, S. (2011). A Study on the Use of Lecture Recordings in Different Mobile Learning Settings. Proceedings of the 7th IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2011, 159–166.

Henrich, A., Schlieder, C., Schmid, U., Seifert, I., Saendig, B., Kremer, D., Grossmann, P., Wachter, M., Raab, M., Carbon, C.-C., & Faerber, S. J. (2011). Visibility in Information Spaces and in Geographic Environments: Post-Proceedings of the KI’11 Workshop (October 4th, 2011, TU Berlin, Germany).

Schlieder, C., & Henrich, A. (2011). Spatial grounding with vague place models. SIGSPATIAL Special, 3(2: Special Issue on Geographic Information Retrieval), 20–23.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2010). Binary Histograms for Resource Selection in Peer-to-Peer Media Retrieval. LWA 2010: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivit?t; Workshop Proceedings, 183–190.

Eckstein, R., Henrich, A., & Weber, N. (2010). LFRP-Search: Multi-Layer Ranked Visual Faceted Search: an Approach to Cope with Complex Search Situations. SAC ’10: Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1713–1717.

Fries, T., & Henrich, A. (2010b). Integrating Industrial Partners into e-Teaching Efforts: a Portal to Support the Initiation of Co-operations. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference E-Learning 2010, 1, 89–96.

Fries, T., & Henrich, A. (2010a). Integrating industrial partners into e-teaching efforts - legal pitfalls and circumventions. International Conference on Technology Supported Learning & Training <16, 2010, Berlin>: Proceedings.

Henrich, A., & Blank, D. (2010). Description and Selection of Media Archives for Geographic Nearest Neighbor Queries in P2P Networks. Proceedings of the ECIR2010 Workshop on Information Access for Personal Media Archives: (IAPMA2010), Milton Keynes, UK, 28 March 2010. IAPMA Workshop Proceedings, 22–29.

Hub, A., & Henrich, A. (2010). Image Retrieval on Mobile Devices. LWA 2010: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivit?t; Workshop Proceedings, 205–208.

Sieber, S., & Henrich, A. (2010b). Metadata for Learning Objects: A Cure for Information Overflow?. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference E-Learning 2010, 2, 251–255.

Sieber, S., & Henrich, A. (2010a). Knowledge Management for Hybrid Learning. In F. L. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Hybrid Learning Models: Advanced Tools, Technologies, and Applications (pp. 424–449). IGI Global.

Meerkamm, H., Henrich, A., Jablonski, S., Krcmar, H., Lindemann, U., & Rieg, F. (Eds.). (2009). Flexible Prozessunterstützung in der Produktentwicklung: Prozesse - Daten - Navigation; Abschlussbericht 01.10.2006 - 30.09. 2009. Shaker.

Blank, D., Fuhr, N., Henrich, A., Mandl, T., R?lleke, Thomas, Schütze, H., & Stein, B. (2009). Information Retrieval: Concepts and Practical Considerations for Teaching a Rising Topic. Datenbank Spektrum, 9(29), 30–41.

Blank, D., & Henrich, A. (2009). Summarizing Georeferenced Photo Collections for Image Retrieval in P2P Networks. Proceedings: Workshop on Geographic Information on the Internet, 2009, Im Rahmen Der 31st European Conference on Information Retrieval) 6. April 2009.

Eckstein, R., & Henrich, A. (2009). Visual Browsing in Product Development Processes. DS 58-8: Proceedings of ICED 09, the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design, Vol. 8, 183–194.

Eckstein, R., Henrich, A., & Weber, N. (2009b). Das LFRP-Framework zur Beherrschung komplexer Suchsituationen. WIR 2009: Workshop Information Retrieval 2009; Lernen Wissen Adaptivit?t, LWA 2009 Darmstadt 21. - 23. Sept. 2009, 84–91.

Eckstein, R., Henrich, A., & Weber, N. (2009a). Das LFRP-Framework - ein Ansatz zur interaktiven Suche für unternehmensspezifische Informationen. Datenbank-Spektrum, 9(30), 20–29.

Henrich, A. (2009). Multimedia Information Retrieval. Information technology, 51(6), 336–342.

Henrich, A., G?bel, R., Niemann, R., & Blank, D. (2009). A Hybrid Index Structure for Geo-Textual Searches. CIKM ’09: Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 1625–1628.

Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2009b). Ad Hoc Determination of Geographic Regions for Concept@Location Queries. In I. King & R. Baeza-Yates (Eds.), Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web (1. Aufl., pp. 169–194). Springer.

Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2009a). Measuring Similarity of Geographic Regions for Geographic Information Retrieval. Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceedings, 781–785.

Henrich, A., & Sieber, S. (2009). Blended learning and pure e-learning concepts for information retrieval:? experiences and future directions. Information Retrieval, 12(2), 117–147.

Hub, A., Blank, D., Henrich, A., & Müller, W. (2009). Picadomo: Faceted Image Browsing for Mobile Devices. 2009 Seventh International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing, 249–254.

Sieber, S., & Henrich, A. (2009). Effectively Managing and Processing Personal Learning Content. Advances in Web Based Learning: ICWL 2009; 8th International Conference, Aachen, Germany, August 19-21, 2009, Proceedings, 363–366.

Weber, N., Eckstein, R., & Henrich, A. (2009). Searching Multiple Artifacts: a Comprehensive Framework for Complex Search Situations. Flexible Query Answering Systems: 8th International Conference, FQAS 2009, Roskilde, Denmark, October 26 - 28, 2009; Proceedings, 251–262.

Blank, D., Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2008). Designing Benchmarks for the Evaluation of Peer-to- Peer Information Retrieval Systems. LWA 2008: Workshop-Woche: Lernen, Wissen & Adaptivit?t; Würzburg, 6.-8. Oktober 2008, Abschnitt: FGIR 2008, Information Retrieval, 57–64.

Eckstein, R., & Henrich, A. (2008b). Reaching the Boundaries of Context-Aware IR: Accepting Help from the User. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Adaptive Information Retrieval (AIR 2008); 18 October 2008 London, UK, 1–6.

Eckstein, R., & Henrich, A. (2008a). An integrated context model for the product development domain and its implications on design reuse. Proceedings of the 10th International Design Conference: (DESIGN 2008 Cavtat - Dubrovnik, Croatia May 19 - 22, 2008), 761–768.

El Allali, S., Blank, D., Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2008). Image Data Source Selection Using Gaussian Mixture Models. Adaptive Multimedial Retrieval: Retrieval, User, and Semantics: 5th International Workshop, AMR 2007, Paris, France, July 5 - 6, 2007; Revised Selected Papers, 170–181.

Henrich, A. (2008). Information Retrieval 1 (Grundlagen, Modelle und Anwendungen) (Version 1.2 (07.01.2008)). Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik.

Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2008a). Determining geographic representations for arbitrary concepts at query time. LOCWEB ’08: Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Location and the Web, 17–24.

Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2008b). Approaches for determining the geographic footprint of arbitrary terms for retrieval and visualization. GIS ’08: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 375–378.

Henrich, A., & Sieber, S. (2008). Evaluation, Analysis, and Future Issues of a University-wide Learning Management System Concluding a Two-year Initiation Phase. E-Learning Baltics 2008: Proceedings of the 1st International ELBa Science Conference, 17. Juni - 19. Juni 2008, Rostock, 103–114.

Müller, W., Zech, M., Henrich, A., & Blank, D. (2008). VisualFlamenco: Dependable, Interactive Image Browsing Based on Visual Properties. Proceedings: 2008 International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing: CBMI 2008; London, United Kingdom, 18 - 20 June 2008, 568–575.

Scherp, A., Nack, F., Nahrstedt, K., Inoue, M., Girgensohn, A., Henrich, A., Sandhaus, P., Thieme, S., & Zhou, Michelle. (2008). Interaction and user experiences with multimedia technologies: challenges and future topics. HCC ’08: Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing, 1–6.

Blank, D., El Allali, S., Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2007). Sample-based Creation of Peer Summaries for Efficient Similarity Search in Scalable Peer-to-Peer Networks. MIR ’07: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Workshop on Multimedia Information Retrieval, 143–152.

Eckstein, R., & Henrich, A. (2007). Integration possibilities of a context-based search engine into a project planning portal in the mechanical engineering domain. LWA 2007: Lernen, Wissen, Adaption, Halle, September 2007; Workshop Proceedings, 244–251.

Eisenhardt, M., Henrich, A., & Sieber, S. (2007). Rechner- und Betriebssysteme, Kommunikationssysteme, Verteilte Systeme (39427th ed.). Lehrstuhl für Medieninformatik.

El Allali, S., Blank, D., Eisenhardt, M., Henrich, A., & Müller, W. (2007). Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedener Bild- Features und Distanzma?e im inhaltsbasierten P2P Information Retrieval. Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW): 12. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs “Datenbanken und Informationssysteme” (DBIS); 07. - 09.03.2007 in Aachen, 382–396.

Henrich, A. (2007). VC - Der Virtuelle Campus als Erg?nzung zum H?rsaal. Uni.vers, 7(12 = Studieren in Bamberg), 28.

Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2007). Characteristics of geographic information needs. GIR ’07: Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval, 1–6.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2007). Information Retrieval as eLearning Course in German: Lessons Learned after 5 Years of Experience. TLIR’07: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Information Retrieval, 18–23.

Henrich, A., & Sieber, S. (2007). Concepts of Blended Learning for Different Content Types. Blended Learning: Workshop on Blended Learning 2007 Edinburgh, United Kingdom 15 - 17.08.07, 150–161.

Henrich, A., Sieber, S., & Wolf, S.-U. (2007). Integration eines hochschulweiten LMS in die Systemlandschaft einer Hochschule - ein pragmatischer Ansatz. Flexibel integrierbares e-Learning: nahe Zukunft oder Utopie?; proceedings of the Workshop on E-Learning 2007, HTWK Leipzig, 09. - 10. Juli 2007 (WEL ’07).

Müller, W., Henrich, A., & Eisenhardt, M. (2007). Aspects of Adaptivity in P2P Information Retrieval. Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval:User, Context, and Feedback: 4th International Workshop, AMR 2006, Geneva, Switzerland, July, 27-28, 2006; Revised Selected Papers, 164–178.

Weber, N., & Henrich, A. (2007). Retrieval of technical drawings in DXF format - concepts and problems. LWA 2007: Lernen, Wissen, Adaption, Halle, September 2007; Workshop Proceedings, 213–220.

Daubner, B., Henrich, A., & Westfechtel, B. (2006a). Towards Anchoring Software Measures on Elements of the Process Model. Proceedings / VISAPP 2006, First International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications,? Setúbal, Portugal, February 25-28, 2006, 1.

Daubner, B., Henrich, A., & Westfechtel, B. (2006b). Integrierte Softwaremessung durch Verankerung der Softwarema?e an Elementen des Vorgehensmodells. Software Engineering 2006: Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, 28. - 31. M?rz 2006 in Leipzig, 157–162.

Eckstein, R., Henrich, A., & Lüdecke, V. (2006). Ans?tze zur Bestimmung von Locality für deutsche Webseiten. LWA 2006: Lernen – Wissensentdeckung – Adaptivit?t (9.–11.10.2006 in Hildesheim), 69–76.

Eisenhardt, M., Müller, W., Henrich, A., Blank, D., & El Allali, S. (2006). Clustering-Based Source Selection for Efficient Image Retrieval in Peer- to-Peer Networks. Proceedings: ISM 2006, Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia: 11 - 13 December 2006, San Diego, CA, 823–830.

Graf, J., Henrich, A., Lüdecke, V., & Schlieder, C. (2006). Geografisches Information Retrieval. Datenbank-Spektrum, 6(18 = Themenschwerpunkt: Multimedia Retrieval), 48–56.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2006a). Exzellente Ideen schneller marktreif. Der Forschungsverbund FORFLOW optimiert IT-Abl?ufe in der Produktentwicklung. Uni.vers, 6(11 = Wissenstransfer an der Universit?t Bamberg), 10–13.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2006b). Bedeutung des Design for X für die Informationsversorgung von Entwicklern innerhalb des Entwicklungsprozesses. Design for X: Beitr?ge zum 17. Symposium, Neukirchen, 12. und 13. Oktober 2006, 81–102.

Henrich, A., & Wolf, S.-U. (2006). Virtueller Campus der Uni Bamberg: ein übergreifendes eLearning-System auf Basis von Moodle. E-Learning: Weg von der lokalen Insel zur globalen community: proceedings of the Workshop on E-Learning 2006, HTWK Leipzig, 10. - 11. Juli 2006, 18.

Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2006). Parameters in P2P-IR. Informatik 2006: Informatik Für Menschen; Beitr?ge Der 36. Jahrestagung Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik e.V. (GI); 2. Bis 6. Oktober 2006 in Dresden, 1, 4–11.

Eisenhardt, M., Henrich, A., & Müller, W. (2005). Inhaltsbasierte Suche in P2P-Systemen. Datenbank-Spektrum, 5(12 = Themenschwerpunkt: Web-Suche und Web-Caching), 5–15.

Henrich, A. (2005a). Search Support in Data Management Systems. In T. H?rder & W. Lehner (Eds.), Data management in a connected world: essays dedicated to Hartmut Wedekind on the occasion of his 70th birthday (pp. 137–157). Springer.

Henrich, A. (2005b). Management von Multimediaprojekten. In K. Bruns (Ed.), Taschenbuch der Medieninformatik: mit 39 Tabellen (pp. 298–317). Fachbuchverl. Leipzig im Carl-Hanser-Verl.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2005). Online Kursangebot Information Retrieval - Ein Beispiel für ein Multi- Channel eLearning-Angebot. Education, research and new media: chances and challenges for science; 10. Tagung der IuK-Initiative der wissenschaftlichen Fachgesellschaften vom 11. - 14. M?rz 2004 in Darmstadt, 99–103.

Müller, W., Eisenhardt, M., & Henrich, A. (2005). Scalable summary based retrieval in P2P networks. CIKM ’05: Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management, 586–593.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (Eds.). (2004). Kontextbasiertes Information Retrieval: Methoden und Anwendungen; Beitr?ge des Seminars im Sommersemester 2004 an der Universit?t Bamberg.

Proceedings MDDE ’04, IEEE Computer Society: 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering. (2004).

Daubner, B., & Henrich, A. (2004). Integration of software measurement into the software development environment. Metrics News, 9(1), 17–23.

Eisenhardt, M., Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2004). Spektrale Bloom-Filter für Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval. Informatik 2004: Informatik verbindet; Beitr?ge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); Ulm, 20. -? 24. September 2004, 2, 44–48.

Henrich, A. (2004). Perspektiven der inhaltsbasierten Suche: strukturierte Dokumente, Einbeziehung des Kontextes, Peer-to-Peer .Vortrag: Eingeladener Vortrag auf dem 16. Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2004, GI- Arbeitskreis “Grundlagen von Inform ationssystemen”, Monheim, NRW, 3.6.2004. Tagungsband zum 16. GI-Workshop über Grundlagen von Datenbanken (16th GI-Workshop on the Foundations of Databases).

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2004). Comparison and Evaluation of Fusion Algorithms and Transfer Semantics for Structured Multimedia Data. Multimedialne i Sieciowe Systemy Informacyjne: Materialy Konferencyjne = Multimedia and Network Information Systems; 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems Technology.? Szklarska Poreba, Poland September 16-17, 2004, 2, 181–192.

Müller, W., Eisenhardt, M., & Henrich, A. (2004). Efficient content-based P2P image retrieval using peer content descriptions. Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology; Papers Presented at the Fifth Internet Imaging Conference, Part of the Annual Electronic Imaging Symposium, 57–68.

Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2004b). Reducing I/O Cost of Similarity Queries by Processing Several at a Time. Proceedings MDDE ’04, 4th International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, July 2nd 2004. IEEE Computer Society 2004.

Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2004a). Faster exact histogram intersection on large data collections using inverted VA-files. Image and Video Retrieval: Third International Conference, CIVR 2004, Dublin, Ireland, July 21 - 23, 2004; Proceedings, 455–463.

Daubner, B., & Henrich, A. (2003). Ein Pl?doyer für Datenflussdiagramme aus der Sicht der Aufwandssch?tzung und der agilen Softwareentwicklung. Innovative Informatikanwendungen: 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.v. (GI); 29. September - 2. Oktober in Frankfurt am Main, 1. Innovative Informatikanwendungen, 191–195.

Eisenhardt, M., Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2003). Classifying Documents by Distributed P2P Clustering.

Henrich, A. (2003). An Approach to Transfer Rankings when Searching on Structured Data: Abstract for a talk on the Dagstuhl Seminar No 03112. In Dagstuhl Seminar No 03112, Perspectives Workshop: “Multimedia Retrieval”, March 2003 Seminar No 03112,10.03.-13.03. 2003.

Henrich, A., Lüdecke, V., & Robbert, G. (2003). Applying the IRStream Retrieval Engine to INEX 2003. INEX 2003 Workshop Proceedings, 118–125.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2003). Supporting Collaborative Software Development by Context-Aware Information Retrieval Facilities. 14th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 2003: Proceedings, 249–253.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2003c). RSV-Transfer: An Algorithm for Similarity Queries on Structured Documents. MIS 2003: 9th International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems, May 26- 28, 2003, Ischia, Italy; Proceedings, 65–74.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2003b). Ein Ansatz zur ?bertragung von Rangordnungen bei der Suche auf strukturierten Daten. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW): 10. GI-Fachtagung, Leipzig, 26. - 28. Februar 2003.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2003a). A Graphical User Interface for Complex Similarity Queries on Structured Multimedia Documents. International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering < 3, 2003, Berlin>: Proceedings.

Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2003a). Privacy of Ideas in P2P Networks. PET2003 Dresden, Germany; Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Hotel Elbflorenz Dresden, Germany, 26 - 28 March 2003 / Program / Wednesday, March 26 / Rump session / works in progress (part one).

Müller, W., & Henrich, A. (2003b). Fast Retrieval of High-Dimensional Feature Vectors in P2P Networks Using Compact Peer Data Summaries. MIR ’03: Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval, 79–86.

Müller, W., Robbert, G., & Henrich, A. (2003). Comparing the performance of two CBIRS indexing schemes. Proceedings Volume 5018: Internet Imaging IV, 9–20.

Eisenhardt, M., & Henrich, A. (2002). Probleme und L?sungsans?tze für P2P-IR-Systeme. Informatik bewegt: Informatik 2002; 32. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); 30. Sept. - 3. Okt. 2002 in Dortmund, 1, 171–175.

Henrich, A. (2002). A Relaxed Algorithm for Similarity Queries Performed with High-Dimensional Access Structures. XML-Based Data Management and Multimedia Engineering: EDBT 2002 Workshops; Revised Papers, 376–390.

Henrich, A., & Morgenroth, K. (2002). Integration von kontextunterstütztem Information Retrieval in Portalsysteme. Management der Mitarbeiter-Expertise in IT-Beratungsbetrieben: Grundlagen, Methoden und Werkzeuge; Tagungsband zur Multi-Konferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2002, 9. bis 11. September 2002 in Nürnberg.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2002b). Architektur Multimedialer Informationssysteme. Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung, 17(2), 77–89.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2002a). Applying the IRstream Retrieval Engine for Structured Documents to INEX. ERCIM Workshop Reports 2002:? Proceedings of the First Workshop of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval (INEX),? December 9-11, 2002, Schloss Dagstuhl, International Conference and Research Center for Computer Science, 105–110.

Henrich, A., & Haase, O. (2001). Exposing the Vagueness of Query Results on Partly Inaccessible Databases. CIKM ’01: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 49–56.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2001a). An End User Retrieval Interface for Structured Multimedia Documents. Proceedings of 7. Workshop Multimedia Information Systems: MIS ’ 01: 7 - 9 November 2001 Villa Orlandi - Capri - Italy, 71–80.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2001b). POQLMM: A Query Language for Structured Multimedia Documents. MDDE’01: Multimedia Data and Document Engineering; Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering, Lyon, France, July 4, 2001.

Haase, O., & Henrich, A. (2000). A hybrid representation of vague collections for distributed object management systems. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 12(3), 448–467.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2000a). Combining Multimedia Retrieval and Text Retrieval to Search Structured Documents in Digital Libraries. ERCIM Workshop Reports:? First DELOS Network of Excellence Workshop: Information Seeking, Searching and Querying in Digital Libraries Zurich, 11-12 December 2000.

Henrich, A., & Robbert, G. (2000b). MARS: A Retrieval Service for Multimedia Authoring Environments. Proceedings of Challenges:? 2000 ADBIS-DASFAA Symposium on Advances in Databases and Information Systems; Enlarged Fourth East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Ingformation Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, September 5 - 8, 2000, 88–98.

Haase, O., & Henrich, A. (1999). A closed approach to vague collections in partly inaccessible distributed databases (Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik 51). Otto-Friedrich-Univ.

Henrich, A., & Haase, O. (1999). A closed approach to vague collections in partly inaccessible distributed databases. Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Third East European Conference, ADBIS ’99, Maribor, Slovenia, September 13 - 16, 1999; Proceedings, 261–274.

Henrich, A., & Jamin, S. (1999a). On the optimization of queries containing regular path expressions. Otto-Friedrich-Univ.

Henrich, A., & Jamin, S. (1999b). On the optimization of queries containing regular path expressions. Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems:? 4th International Workshop, NGITS ’99, Zikhron-Yaakov, Israel, July 5 - 7, 1999; Proceedings, 58–75.

Haase, O., & Henrich, A. (1998). A hybrid representation of vague collections for distributed object management systems. Otto-Friedrich-Univ.

Henrich, A. (1998d). The LSDh-Tree: an access structure for feature vectors. Proceedings 14th International Conference on Data Engineering, 362–369.

Henrich, A. (1998e). Reactive environments (WI-Schlagwort). Wirtschaftsinformatik, 40(6), 538–540.

Henrich, A. (1998b). Applying document retrieval techniques in software engineering environments (Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik 49). Otto-Friedrich-Univ.

Henrich, A. (1998a). Retrieval-Dienste für Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen. Shaker.

Henrich, A. (1998c). Applying document retrieval techniques in software engineering environments. Database and Expert Systems Applications: 9th International Conference, DEXA ’98, Vienna, Austria, August 24 - 28,? 1998; Proceedings, 240–249.

Haase, O., & Henrich, A. (1997). Query processing techniques for partly inaccessible distributed databases: short presentation. Advances in Databases: 15th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 15, London, United Kingdom, July 7 - 9, 1997; Proceedings, 123–125.

Henrich, A. (1997c). A common access structure for standard attributes and document representations in vector space. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems (NGITS ’97): Held in Neve Ilan, near Jerusalem, Israel on 30 June - 3 July 1997, 154–161.

Henrich, A. (1997d). Retrieval-Dienste für Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen. In A. Oberweis & H. M. Sneed (Eds.), Software-Management ’97: Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI), Oktober 1997 in München (pp. 147–162). Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.

Henrich, A. (1997b). The update of index structures in object-oriented DBMS. CIKM ’97: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 136–143.

Henrich, A. (1997a). Repository based software cost estimation. Database and Expert Systems Applications: 8th International Conference, DEXA ’97, Toulouse, France, September 1 - 5, 1997; Proceedings, 653–662.

D?beritz, D., & Henrich, A. (1996). Using a query language to state consistency constraints for repositories. Database and Expert Systems Applications: 7th International Conference, DEXA ’96, Zurich, Switzerland, September 9 - 13, 1996; Proceedings, 59–68.

Henrich, A. (1996b). Improving the performance of multi-dimensional access structures based on k-d-Trees. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Data Engineering: February 26 - March 1, 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana (ICDE ’96), 68–75.

Henrich, A. (1996a). Adapting a spatial access structure for document representations in vector space. Proceedings of the 1996 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: November 12 - 16, 1996; Rockville, Maryland, USA, 19–26.

Henrich, A. (1996d). Document retrieval facilities for repository-based system development environments. SIGIR ’96: Proceedings of the 19th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 101–109.

Henrich, A. (1996c). A hybrid split strategy for k-d-Tree based access structures. Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Workshop on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS ’96.), November 15 - 16, 1996, Rockville, Maryland, USA, 1–8.

Henrich, A., & Kelter, U. (1996). Integration von Zugriffsparadigmen in einem Repository. In H. Mayr (Ed.), Beherrschung von Informationssystemen: Tagungsband der Informatik ’96 (pp. 307–326). Oldenbourg.

Henrich, A. (1990). Der LSD-Baum: eine mehrdimensionale Zugriffsstruktur und ihre Einsatzmoglichkeiten in Datenbanksystemen.

Henrich, A., Six, H.-W., & Widmayer, P. (1990). Paging binary trees with external balancing. Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 15th Internat. Workshop WG ’89 Castle Rolduc, The Netherlands, June 14 - 16, 1989; Proceedings, 260–276.

Henrich, A., Six, H.-W., & Widmayer, P. (1989). The LSD tree: spatial access to multidimensional point and non-point objects. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases: August 22-25, 1989, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 45–53.

Mitgliedschaften in Gremien (Auswahl)

In der Scientific Community:

An der Universit?t Bamberg:

Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang

seit Oktober 2004Inhaber des Lehrstuhls Medieninformatik in der Fakult?t für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Information-Retrieval, Multimediale Systeme, Softwareentwicklung, eLearning
2001 - 2004Inhaber des Lehrstuhls Angewandte Informatik I in der Fakult?t für Mathematik und Physik der Universit?t Bayreuth, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Software Engineering, Information-Retrieval, Multimediale Systeme
1998 - 2001Inhaber der Professur für Praktische Informatik an der Fakult?t Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen, Information-Retrieval, Multimediale Systeme
1997Habilitation (Thema der Habilitationsschrift: Retrieval-Dienste für Software-Entwicklungsumgebungen )
1993 - 1998 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Lehrgebiet Praktische Informatik der Universit?t – GH – Siegen, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Software Engineering, Datenbanken und Information-Retrieval 
1991 - 1993 Systemanalytiker im zentralen Bereich Organisation und Betrieb der Deutsche Bank AG in Eschborn 
1990 Promotion zum Thema: Der LSD-Baum: eine mehrdimensionale Zugriffsstruktur und ihre Einsatzm?glichkeiten in Datenbanksystemen  
1988 - 1990 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrgebiet Praktische Informatik III der FernUniversit?t Hagen, Forschungsschwerpunkte: Datenbanken und Software Engineering 
1982 - 1987 Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt