Wissenschaftliche Tagungen

Bibel-Symposion 2019:
Earth, Gender and Religious Imagination in Africa

Juli 2019
University of Botswana, Gaborone

Journée d'études GERHIC in Bouaké

M?rz 2019
Université Bouaké (Elfenbeinküste)

Biblical Studies and the Churches in Zimbabwe

Januar 2019
International Meeting in Harare/Zimbabwe

Bibel-Symposion 2016:
The Bible and Gender Troubles in Africa

August 2016
University of Zimbabwe, Harare

Internationales Bibel-Symposion 2014:
The Bible and Violence in Africa

July 2014
University of Namibia, Windhoek

Human Sciences
hosted by Prof. Dr. Johannes Hunter

Internationales Bibel-Symposion 2012:
The Bible and Children in Africa

July 2012
University of Botswana, Gaborone
Department of Theology & Religion Studies

Internationales Bibel-Symposion 2010:
Bible and Politics in Africa (and the West)

July/August 2010
Kloster Banz/Bad Staffelstein - Germany

organized by
The Chair for New Testament Sciences, Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg
(in Cooperation with Hanns-Seidel-Foundation)

Internationales Bibel-Symposion 2009:
Bibel und Praxis

September 2009
Universit?t Bamberg - Germany
Programm des Symposions(113.7 KB, 1 Seite)
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