Situationswahrnehmung in Partnerschaften: Vortrag in Sacramento

Gemeinsam mit Dr. Tanja Gerlach wird Dr. Katrin Rentzsch im Juni auf der Tagung der Association for Research in Personality in Sacramento, Kalifornien ein Poster pr?sentieren.


Rentzsch, K. & Gerlach, T. M. (2017, June). Personality and situation perception in romantic relationships. Poster presentation at the Association for Research in Personality Conference, Sacramento, USA (upcoming).


Zusammenfassung: In a dyadic diary study, we investigated the relation between personality and situation perception in romantic relationships. Romantic couples (N = 150) participated on 15 consecutive days (T0 - T14). In the intake session and on each assessment day, situation perceptions of both partners were assessed by reporting a situation that they had experienced together and then rating this situation by filling out the Riverside Situational Q-sort. Measures of Big Five personality traits and narcissism were assessed at T0. At each time point, relationship outcomes were assessed. The study was pre-registered prior to data analyses. Results revealed that similar personality profiles of both relationship partners on extraversion, agreeableness and narcissism were positively related to the similarity of the situation perception. Similar situation perception was positively related to relationship satisfaction. Findings are discussed with respect to the relevance of the link between personality and situation perception for relationship outcomes.