Sarah Tell
Von 2022 bis 2023 arbeitete Sarah Tell als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke der Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg. Sie war Teil des interdisziplin?ren Forschungsprojekts ?Wie ver?ndern sich die zentralen gesellschaftlichen Konfliktstrukturen in Deutschland? Social Media Analytics kollektiver Proteste und Bewegungen“ (Laufzeit: 2020-2023). Ihre Forschungsinteressen sind die politische Theorie, Konfliktsoziologie, Netzwerkanalyse sowie Computational Social Sciences. Sie setzt ihre Promotion an der Universit?t Bremen fort.
Tell, Sarah (im Erscheinen): Erfolgreiche Absorption oder ?bersetzungsdefizit? Zum Zusammenspiel rechter Protestakteure und der AfD im Rahmen der Corona-Politik in Sachsen, in: Garsztecki, Stefan/Laux, Thomas/Nebelin, Marian (Hrsg.): Brennpunkte der ?Neuen“ Rechten. Globale Entwicklungen und die Lage in Sachsen, Bielefeld: transcript.
Kern, Thomas/Opitz, Dahla/Polenz, Julian/Pruisken, Insa/Tell, Sarah (2023): A Peripheral Movement? Querdenken in the Critical Discourse about the COVID-19 Pandemic, German Politics and Society, Jg. 41(2), 16-34.

Diana Fischer-Pre?ler
Diana Fischer-Pre?ler war als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke an der Universit?t Bamberg. Sie promovierte im Bereich Crisis Informatics und schloss ihre Pomotion im Oktober 2021 erfolgreich ab. In ihrer Forschung fokussiert sie sich weiterhin auf die effektive Nutzung von Technologien (z.B. Social Media, Apps), Crisis Informatics, und Digitalisierung.
- Fischer-Pre?ler, D., Eismann, K., Pietrowski, R., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2020). " Information Technology and Risk Management in Supply Chains," in International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
- Fischer-Pre?ler, D., Bonaretti, D., and Fischbach, K. (2020). "Effective Use of Mobile-Enabled Emergency Warning Systems," in 28th European Conference on Information Systems, Marrakesh, Marocco.
- Heymann, S. D., Fischer-Pre?ler, D., and Fischbach, K. (2020). "Negative Effects of Enterprise Social Networks on Employees - A Case Study," in 28th European Conference on Information Systems, Marrakesh, Marocco.
- Fischer-Pre?ler, D., Schwemmer, C., and Fischbach, K. (2019). "Collective sense-making in times of crisis: Connecting terror management theory with Twitter user reactions to the Berlin terrorist attack," in Computers in Human Behavior, 100, 138-151.
- Fischer-Pre?ler, D., Marx, J., Ehnis, C. and Fischbach, K. (2019). "Leveraging Online Social Capital: How the German Red Cross Uses Social Networking Sites," in Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
- Fischer, D., Hattori-Putzke, J., and Fischbach, K. (2019). "Crisis Warning Apps: Investigating the Factors Influencing Usage and Compliance with Recommendations for Action", in Proceedings of the Hawai'i International Conference on System Science.
- Fischer, D., Schwemmer, C., and Fischbach, K. (2018). “Terror Management and Twitter: The Case of the 2016 Berlin Terrorist Attack”, in Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference, Rochester, New York.
- Eismann, K., Fischer, D., Posegga, O., and Fischbach, K. (2018). “Using Social Network Analysis to Make Sense of Radio Communication in Emergency Response,” in SOCNET 2018 Proceedings, Erlangen, Germany.
- Fischer, D. (2018). "Social Networking Sites in the Aftermath of a Crisis - The Enabling Role for Self-organization", in Proceedings of the Hawai'i International Conference on System Science. (Best Paper Nomination)
- Fischer, D., Eismann, K., and Fischbach, K. (2016). “Usage Behavior of Social Network Sites in the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland.
- Fischer, D., Posegga, O., and Fischbach, K. (2016). “Communication Barriers in Crisis Management: A Literature Review,” in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey.

Oliver Zuchowski
Oliver Zuchowski war im Zeitraum von 2013 bis 2021 externer Doktorand am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke an der Universit?t Bamberg. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen in den Bereichen "Internal Crowdsourcing" und "Organizational Learning". Gegenw?rtig ist er als Head of Logistics Operations & Packaging bei Bosch Italia t?tig.
- Zuchowski, O. (2016). Learning with the Crowd: A Field Study of Internal Crowdsourcing as a Form of Organizational Learning in Research-in-Progress Papers of the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Zuchowski, O.; Posegga, O.; Schlagwein, D.; Fischbach, K. (2016). Internal Crowdsourcing: Conceptual Framework, Structured Review and Research Agenda, Journal of Information Technology (JIT)

Kathrin Eismann
Kathrin Eismann war im Zeitraum von 2015 bis 2021 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke, an der Universit?t Bamberg t?tig. Gegenw?rtig ist Frau Eismann als Referentin des Pr?sidenten t?tig.
- Fischer-Pre?ler, D., Eismann, K., Pietrowski, R., Fischbach, K., and Schoder, D. (2020): "Information Technology and Risk Management in Supply Chains", in International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, 50(2), pp. 233-254.
- Eismann, K., Reuter-Oppermann, M., and Fischbach, K. (2019): “Towards Social Media Decision Support for Joined EMS and Crisis Logistics,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, València, Spain, ed. by Z. Franco, J.H. González, and J.H. Canós, pp. 307-316.
- Eismann, K. (2019): "Procedural Influence on Consensus Formation in Social Networks," in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Vol. 2, ed. by L.M. Aiello, C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, R. Lambiotte, P. Lió, and L.M. Rocha, Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence 813, pp. 287-299.
- Eismann, K., Posegga, O., and Fischbach, K. (2018). “Decision Making in Emergency Management: The Role of Social Media,” in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, Portsmouth, UK.
- Eismann, K., Fischer, D., Posegga, O., and Fischbach, K. (2018): "Using Social Network Analysis to Make Sense of Radio Communication in Emergency Response," in SOCNET 2018 Proceedings, Erlangen, Germany, pp. 85-101.
- Fischer, D., Eismann, K., and Fischbach, K. (2016). “Usage Behavior of Social Network Sites in the Aftermath of Terrorist Attacks,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland.
- Eismann, K., Posegga, O., and Fischbach, K. (2016). “Collective Behaviour, Social Media, and Disasters: A Systematic Literature Review,” in Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems, Istanbul, Turkey.
Falco Klemm
Falco Klemm war von 2017 bis 2023 als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke an der Universit?t Bamberg, t?tig. Herr Klemm betreute die Fachstudienberatung des Masters IISM und unterstützte bei diversen Lehrveranstaltungen.

Matth?us Zylka
Matth?us Zylka war im Zeitraum von 2012 bis 2020 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke, an der Universit?t Bamberg t?tig. Er ist als Full Stack Developer bei Galaxyadvisors für IT Infrastructure, Research & Consulting zust?ndig.
- Schreiber, R.R., Zylka M.P. (forthcoming) Social Network Analysis in Software Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
- de Oliveira J.M., Zylka M.P., Gloor P.A., Joshi T. (2019) Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who Is Leaving of Them All: Predictions for Employee Turnover with Gated Recurrent Neural Networks. In: Song Y., Grippa F., Gloor P., Leit?o J. (eds) Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics. Springer, Cham
- Yang, S., Zylka, M. P., Gloor, P. A. (2018). “German Association or Chinese Emperor?” Building COINs Between China and Germany. Collaborative Innovation Networks - Building Adaptive and Resilient Organizations. Studies on Entrepreneurship, Structural Change and Industrial Dynamics, Springer.
- Zylka, M. P., Fischbach, K. (2017). Turning the Spotlight on the Consequences of Individual IT Turnover: A Literature Review and Research Agenda. ACM SIGMIS DATABASE, Vol.48, No. 2, pp. 52-78, doi: 10.1145/3084179.3084185 , http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3084185
- Zylka, M. P., Fuehres, H., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Gloor, P. A. (Eds.) (2016). Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation - Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Link.
- Herttua, T., Jakob, E., Nave, S., Gupta, R., Zylka, M. P. (2016). Growth Hacking: Exploring the Meaning of an Internet-born Digital Marketing Buzzword. Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation - Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.
- Gieck, R., Kinnunen, H., Li, Y., Moghaddam, M., Pradel, F., Gloor, P. A., Paasivaara, M., Zylka, M. P. (2016). Cultural Differences in the Understanding of History on Wikipedia. Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation - Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.
- Zylka, M. P. (2016). Putting the Consequences of IT Turnover on the Map - A Review and Call for Research. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGMIS CPR Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
Best Paper Nominee, doi: 10.1145/2890602.2890618 - Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M. P., Schlagwein, D., Fischbach, K., Schoder, D. (2016). Business model development, founders' social capital, and the success of early-stage internet start-ups: a mixed-method study. Information Systems Journal (ISJ), Vol. 26, No. 5, pp.421-449, doi: 10.1111/isj.12073 .
- Posegga, O., Zylka, M. P., Fischbach, K. (2015). Collective Dynamics of Crowdfunding Networks. Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Kauai (HI), doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2015.394
- Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M. P., Posegga, O., Schlagwein, D., Fischbach, K., Schoder, D. (2014). Getting Boundary Conditions Right: Towards a Classification of the Information Economy. Academy of Management Proceedings, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 1 - 5 August 2014, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2014.15984abstract
- Spiegel, O., Abbassi, P., Zylka, M. P., Schlagwein, D., Fischbach, K., Schoder, D. (2013). The Impact of Structural Embeddedness on Funding Success of Early Stage Web Startups. DIBME 2013 Pre-ECIS Workshop on the Digitization in Business Models and Entrepreneurship, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Zylka, M. P., Spiegel, O., Fischbach, K. (2013). Employee Turnover in the IT Industry and its Impact on Social Capital and Success of Startup Companies. XXXIII Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), 21-26 May 2013, Hamburg.
- Posegga, O., Zylka, M. P., Putzke, J., Fischbach, K., Schoder, D. (2014). Understanding the Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability - An Exploratory Study. International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering (IJODE), Vol. 3, Nos. 3/4, pp.338-357, doi: 10.1504/IJODE.2014.065071

Dr. Johannes Putzke-Hattori
Dr. Johannes Putzke-Hattori war als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke, an der Universit?t Bamberg t?tig. Er war bisher an verschiedenen Universit?ten und Forschungseinrichtungen im In- und Ausland aktiv, wie u. a. Aufenthalte in den USA (MIT), Japan (National Institute of Informatics), Deutschland (Rheinische Fachhochschule K?ln, Universit?t zu K?ln), Indien (Bosch) und Frankreich (HEC Paris). Er promovierte an der Universit?t zu K?ln und ist aktuell auch dort besch?ftigt.
- Fischer, D., Putzke-Hattori, J., & Fischbach, K. (2019). Crisis warning apps: investigating the factors influencing usage and compliance with recommendations for action.
- Fischbach, K.; Putzke, J.; Schoder, D. (2011): Co-Authorship Networks in Electronic Markets Research – An Exploratory Study. Electronic Markets – The International Journal on Networked Business 20(3/4).
- Abbassi, P.; Fischbach, K.; Putzke, J.; Spiegel, O.; Schoder, D. (2011): Social Capital in the Information and Communication Technology Sector – A Network Perspective on Executive Turnover. International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Shanghai, 4.-7. September 2011.
- Putzke, J.; Fischbach, K.; Schoder, D.; and Gloor, P. A. (2010): The Evolution of Interaction Networks in Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Journal of the Association for Information Systems 11(2).

Hauke Führes
Hauke Führes war im Zeitraum von 2015 bis 2017 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke, an der Universit?t Bamberg t?tig. Parallel war er Lead Developer bei Galaxyadvisors. Mittlerweile ist er Head of Data Architecture & Operations bei der Mediengruppe RTL in Deutschland.
- Zylka, M. P., Fuehres, H., Fronzetti Colladon, A., Gloor, P. A. (Eds.) (2016). Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation - Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.
- Gloor, P., Fuehres, H., Fischbach, K. (2016). "Only Say Something When You Have Something to Say": Identifying Creatives Through Their Communication Patterns. Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation - Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference. Springer Proceedings in Complexity.
- Zhang, X., Fuehres, H., Gloor, P. (2011). Predicting Stock Market Indicators Through Twitter: "I hope it is not as bad as I fear", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 26.
- Gloor, De Boer, Lo, Wagner, Nemoto, Fuehres (2015): Cultural Anthropology Through the Lens of Wikipedia - A Comparison of Historical Leadership Networks in the English, Chinese, and Japanese Wikipedia. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Collaborative Innovation Networks COINs15
- Gloor, Grippa, Putzke, Lassenius, Fuehres, Fischbach, Schoder (2013): Measuring Social Capital in Creative Teams Through Sociometric Sensors. In: Int. J. Organisational Design and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2013
- Fuehres, Gloor, Henninger, Kleeb, Nemoto (2012): Galaxysearch: Discovering the Knowledge of Many by Using Wikipedia as a Meta-Search Index. In: Proceedings Collective Intelligence 2012, Cambridge, MA
- Gloor, Dorsaz, Fuehres, Vogel (2012): Choosing the Right Friends - Predicting Success of Startup Entrepreneurs and Innovators Through Their Online Social Network Structure. Int. J. Organisational Design and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012
- Zhang, Fuehres, Gloor (2011): Predicting Asset Value Through Twitter Buzz. In: Proceedings 2nd Symposium on Collective Intelligence, Collin 2011, Seoul, Springer Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, vol. 112, 2011
- Fuehres, Fischbach, Gloor, Krauss, Nann (2010): Adding Taxonomies Obtained by Content Clustering to Semantic Social Network Analysis. In: Symposium on Collective Intelligence, Collin 2010, Springer
- Nann, Krauss, Schober, Gloor, Fischbach, Fuehres (2010): The Power of Alumni Networks - Success of Startup Companies Correlates with Online Social Network Structure of its Founders. MIT Sloan Research Paper No. 4766-10.
- Gloor, Fischbach, Fuehres, Lassenius, Niinim?ki, Olguin Olguin, Pentland, Piri, Putzke (2010): Towards ‘Honest Signals’ of Creativity – Identifying Personality Characteristics Through Microscopic Social Network Analysis. In: Proceedings COINs 2010
- Nann, Krauss, Schober, Gloor, Fischbach, Fuehres (2009): Comparing the structure of virtual entrepreneur networks with business effectiveness. In: Proceedings COINs 2009.

Alixandre Santana
Alixandre Santana war im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2015 als Gastwissenschaftler am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik, insb. Soziale Netzwerke, an der Universit?t Bamberg t?tig. Er erhielt den Ph. D. in Computer Science an der Federal Universiy of Pernambuco in Brasilien im Jahr 2017. Seit 2010 ist er als Assistant Professor an der Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE) in Brasilien angestellt.
- Santana, A.; Fischbach, K.; Moura, Hermano. Enterprise Architecture Analysis and Network Thinking: A Literature Review, 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4566-4575, doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.567
- Silva, E.G.F.; Pacheco Junior, J. C.; Santana, A. Um mapeamento sistematico sobre a Análise de Redes Sociais aplicada a colabora??o em projetos de software. In: Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014, Brasília, Proceedings of III Brasnam, 2014 (in portuguese)
- Pacheco Junior, J. C.; Prochazka, F.; Marques, A. C. R.; Araujo, J. I. S.; Costa, V. B.; Santana, A. Social network analysis in project context: a systematic mapping study focused on team structure of sotware projects. Revista Brasileira de Administra??o Científica, Aquidab?, v.4, n.2, p.6-17, 2013. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.6008/ESS2179-684X.2013.002.0002 (in portuguese) (best paper of Brazilian Symposium of Information Technology, SBTI , 2013)
- Santana, A.; Moura, H. P.; Pacheco Junior, J. C.; Medeiros, P. A., Perception of project managers on practices of knowledge management in software development organizations projects: experiences in Pernambuco State. In: Congresso Internacional de Tecnologia da Informa??o, 2013, S?o Paulo. Anais do X CONTECSI, 2013. (in portuguese)
- Santana, A.; Sousa Neto, M. V., IT risk management and practices in Brazilian organizations: a multiple case study. In: 8th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, 2011, S?o Paulo. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, 2011. (in portuguese)
- Santana, A.; Canuto, A.; Souto, M.; Soares, R. Using Accuracy and Diversity to Select Classifiers to build ensembles. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2006.