Neues BERG Working Paper No. 175 von Marco Sahm erschienen!


In der BERG Working Paper Series wurde von Marco Sahm ein neues Papier mit dem Titel "Optimal Accuracy of Unbiased Tullock Contests with Two Heterogeneous Players" ver?ffentlicht.

Eine Gesamtübersicht aller bisher erschienenen BERG Working Paper finden Sie hier.



I characterize the optimal accuracy level r of an unbiased Tullock contest between two players with heterogeneous prize valuations. The designer maximizes the winning probability of the strong player or the winner's expected valuation by choosing a contest with an all-pay auction equilibrium (r ≥ 2). By contrast, if she aims at maximizing the expected aggregate effort or the winner's expected effort, she will choose a contest with a pure-strategy equilibrium, and the optimal accuracy level r < 2 decreases in the players' heterogeneity. Finally, a contest designer who faces a tradeoff between selection quality and minimum (maximum) effort will never (may) chose a contest with a semi-mixed equilibrium.