Neues BERG Working Paper No. 195 von Leonhard Ipsen und Jan Schulz erschienen

In der BERG Working Paper Series wurde von Leonhard Ipsen und Jan Schulz mit der Nr. 195 ein neues Papier mit dem Titel "The (Dis-)Equalizing Effects of Production Networks" ver?ffentlicht.

Eine Gesamtübersicht aller bisher erschienenen BERG Working Paper finden Sie hier.



We suggest and empirically substantiate that the global production network constitutes an important variable for inflation inequality, as it modulates the impact of cost-push shocks on households. For most price shocks, the production network reduces inflation inequality, however, at the expense of lower-income households. Introducing a synthetic Consumer Price Index indicates lower-income households to be at the losing end of the overall effect of supply-side price shocks.