Fakult?tskolloquium: "Ukraine's IT sector boom", Donnerstag, 06. Juli 2017, 16:00 Uhr, Raum WE5/05.003

Ukraine’s IT sector boom

Prof. Yaroslav Prytula, PhD, Dean, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv Ukraine's IT sector with 100+ thousand programmers and thousands of companies has become Europe's #1 IT outsourcing and software development powerhouse. The presentation will outline the current state of IT business in Ukraine, its strong and weak sides. We will look at how co-opetition strategy helps to combine enterprises' efforts to develop strong IT ecosystem with 25% annually.

Wann? Donnerstag, 6. Juli 2017, 16.00 Uhr. 
Wo? An der Weberei 5, 96047 Bamberg Raum WE5/05.003