Die Delegierten

Caroline Ambré

Caroline Ambré

Studies: European Economic Studies

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA 2nd

Motivation: NMUN is a great opportunity to experience and understand world politics. We all learn for life and grow beyond ourselves.  

My motto in life: Take life as it comes and grow beyond yourself!


Maximilian Begovic

Maximilian Begovic

Studies: Business Administration

Organisational Team: Finance

Committee: GA 2nd

Motivation: NMUN offers the great opportunity to cooperate with ambitious students from all over the world by dealing with international affairs which contributes to personal growth. 

My motto in life: Try and fail, but don't fail to try. (Stephen Kaggwa)

Nikolai Beland

Nicolai Beland

Studies: Latin and English for Teaching Certification

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Final Report)

Committee: Security Council (USA)

Motivation: As a future teacher I want to encourage students to engage in politics and contribute to positive change in world affairs. 

My motto in life: Whatever you do, do it with providence and always bear the goal in mind!

Maximilian Ciochina

Maximilian Chiochina

Studies: European Economic Studies

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Homepage)

Committee: ECOSOC

Motivation: In the future I would like to work in a supranational organization. NMUN gives me the perfect opportunity to make the first step towards that goal. 

My motto in life: Do the best. Be the best. Being second is not motivating!

Mareen Esmeier

Mareen Esmeier

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: ECOSOC

Motivation: I am looking forward to experiencing the real complexities of international relations while keeping in mind your country's interests as well as current events that can change the whole negotiations from one second to another.

My motto in life: There are no strangers in this world, only friends you haven't met yet! (Manan Mehta)

Stefanie Faulstich

Stefanie Faulstich

Studies: English, Political and Social Studies, History for Teaching Certification  

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: UN - HABITAT

Motivation: NMUN offers me the unique opportunity to gain practical knowledge about the UN, meet students from all over the world and be part of an amazing team. I would like to experience diplomacy and be a "real" diplomat who represents his country. 

My motto in life: The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

Christian Graf

Christian Graf

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: GA 4

Motivation: NMUN can open the first door for my future career within the United Nations. It gives me the possibility to develop myself, get to know other cultures and work in a professional team. 

My motto in life: Fight for your aims and dreams!

Tobias Heid

Tobias Heid

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Head delegate

Committee: OPCW

Motivation: I want to represent Bamberg on its brightest side and I want to show 300 universities and 5000 students from all over the world that a small university like Bamberg can represent the United States of America.

My motto in life: Stand up and speak!

Livia Helbing

Livia Helbing

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: As I study political science, I am very interested in everything dealing with politics, especially in international relations. In our university courses we only learn theoretical aspects. NMUN is a great opportunity to actually experience how politics work, cooperation is made and to get to know cultures from all over the world. 

My motto in life: Where there is a will, there is a way!

Christine Hierer

Christine Hierer

Studies: Communication Science, Political Science and

European Ethnology

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: Human Rights Council

Motivation: To me NMUN is a great opportunity to learn more about international politics, conflicts and relationships. Furthermore I like the idea of being part of a great team and of meeting people from all over the world in New York.

My motto in life: The world is a book and if you don't travel, you only read a page!

Erik J?ger

Erik J?ger

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: Security Council (Luxembourg)

Motivation: I have always had a great interest in foreign politics and the international system. And of course it is great to be a part of this marvellous team. 

My motto in life: When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Elena Maier

Elena Maier

Studies: English, History and Educational Psychology for Teaching Certificate  

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Homepage)

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: NMUN gives me the chance to enlarge my knowledge, act out politics and meet students from all over the world. 

My motto in life: Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye. (Helen Keller)

Sviatlana Martsinkevich


Studies: European Economic Studies

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Final Report)

Committee: UNEP

Motivation: Being part of the NMUN Bamberg means for me to get to know many great people and to share unforgettable experiences. And of course get an inside into the work of the UN. 

My motto in life: Learn something new every day. 

Sebastian Meyer

Sebastian Meyer

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: Human Rights Council

Motivation: NMUN gives me the chance to add some practical experience to my theoretical studies.

My motto in life: Music gives you the chance to talk about things that can't be said by words.

Fabian Müller

Fabian Müller

Studies: Political Science 

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: OPCW

Motivation: NMUN gives me the opportunity to learn more about reaching the ideal of world peace from this mighty organization and to gain unique experience for me field of study and my future profession within a great team. 

My motto in life: Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth!

Cornelia Quader

Cornelia Quader

Studies: Communication Sciences and English

Organisational team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: PBC

Motivation:  NMUN gives me the chance to socialize with students from all over the world and see international diplomacy at work. 

My motto in life: Follow the example of the sun, dial and only count the sunny times. 

Kilian Ramisch

Kilian Ramisch

Subject of Studies: Psychology

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee:  UN-HABITAT

Motivation: I would like to learn about diplomatic life, work and behavior. Apart from that I am looking forward to meeting students from around the world, getting in touch with the work of the UN and learning diplomatic skills like negotiating, finding solutions and working on a better world. 

My motto in life: Think different!

David Ru?

David Ru?

Studies: Political Science

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: Security Council (Togo)

Motivation: This project offers me unique insights into the way international diplomacy and negotiations are done. Apart from that I hope to get to know many interesting people from all over the world. 

My motto in life: Life is like a big theater. Keep on playing!

Caroline Seidel

Caroline Seidel

Studies: German and Political Social Studies for Teaching Certificate

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNICEF

Motivation: The world is looking at Bamberg - I want to take the chance and show them that we deserve to represent the USA at the NMUN Conference in New York

My motto in life: Life is too short to do something that doesn't matter!

Johanna Zenk

Johanna Zenk

Studies: European Economic Studies

Organisational Team: Sponsoring

Committee:  Security Council (Luxembourg)

Motivation: The NMUN is a great opportunity to get an insight into the work of the UN and the work of a diplomat. I find it especially interesting to represent a foreign country and negotiate according to their political perspective. 

My motto in life: When you cease doubting you have stopped moving forward. (Paulo Coelho)