Das Betreuerteam 2016

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 

hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Philip Lehmann, David Ru?, Livia Helbing, Maximilian Ciochina, Saskia Kawczynski, Fabian Schlereth

vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Michelle Winkelsdorf, Petra Fischer (liegend), Martin Schunk

nicht im Bild: Kai Nitsche, Antonia Koch

Seminarleiter Thomas D?rfler, M.A.

Profile Thomas D?rfler

Age: 29

Position at the University: Research Fellow, Chair of International Relations, PhD Candidate, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

Studies: Political Sciene, Bachelor (University of Bamberg); Political Science, Master (Universtity Leiden, The Netherlands); 

Function as Faculty Advisor: Faculty Advisor and instructor of the NMUN-Seminar "How the UN works" for NMUN delegates.

History with NMUN: I was a former delegate for the University of Bamberg at NMUN 2007 representing Zambia in the African Development Bank (AfDB) committee. In 2008, I organized the project as Faculty Advisor and supported the delegations work in New York. For their achievements the delegation was awarded with an "Outstanding Position Papers" Award. Since 2011 I support the project as Faculty Advisor in my position as Research Fellow at the Chair of International Relations.

Maximilian Ciochina

Studies: European Economic Studies, MA

Function as a Tutor: Faculty Advisor & Tutoring the Finance Delegate

Motivation: I would like to give my time and effort to the 2015/16 NMUN project in order to make it possible for the new delegation to have an equally incredible time as I had two years ago. 

Motto: Do the best. Be the best. Being second is not motivating!

Saskia Kawczynski

Studies: Political Science, BA (4th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Mastermind behind everything (by her own account)

Motivation: Make NMUN 15/16 the same unique, incredible and inspring experience as the tutor team did for me a year ago!

Motto: If you can dream it, you can do it!


Michelle Winkelsdorf

Studies: European Economic Studies, MA

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Final Report Team

Motivation: I am looking forward to give advice where it is needed and watch the delegation grow together as a team and as individuals.

Motto: The less routine, the more life.


Livia Helbing

Studies: Political Science, BA (6th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the press team

Motivation: As participating in the project really fascinated me two years ago, I would now like to use the opportunity to stay part of the project and hand over my experience to new motivated delegates.

Motto: Always stay optimistic, always keep faith and never forget to have fun!


David Ru?

Studies: European Economic Studies, MA (1st Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Press Team

Motivation: As I was part of the NMUN delegation two years ago, I would now like to hand over my knowledge and experience to the current delegation and help them to do a great job in New York.

Motto: Go to Spain and get happy!


Martin Schunk

Studies: English Studies and German Studies, BA (7th Semester)

Function as a Tutor: Tutoring the Social Media/Homepage Team

Motivation: I am thankful for having experienced a project as great as NMUN here at the University of Bamberg. Thus, I felt obliged to share my experiences with the new delegation and provide them with guidance throughout their preparation for NMUN 2016.

Motto: “Don't let your dreams be dreams.” –Shia Labeouf

Fabian Schlereth

Function as a Tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team

Motto: When life gives you melons, you can still make lemonade

Antonia Koch

Studies: European Economic Studies MA

Function as a Tutor: Organization and more

Motivation: The only university course from students for students :) it`s cool being part of it and contributing a bit!


Kai Nitsche

Studies: Political Science (5th Semester)

Function as a Tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team

Motivation: There is so much fun and joy in this project that there is no chance in missing it.

Motto: Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn

Philip Lehmann