Die aktuelle Delegation 2015/2016

Wir sind die neue NMUN-Delegation und freuen uns auf das Projekt und die Vertretung unserer L?nder Israel und Chile!

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.





hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.:  Markus H?gel, Marie Dieckhoff, Johannes Geiger, Victoria Deutesfeld, Nils Steinhoff, Jonas Kindler, Marlene Kn?rr

mittlere Riehe v.l.n.r: Jakob Schabus, Alexander Hempfing, Eva Brieler, Lisa Leisgang, Till-Niklas Braun, Florian Wagner

vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Tina Stanzel, Micaela Gro?mann, Gloria Kuppler, Quynh Vu-Hoang, Steffen Keller

nicht im Bild: Nina Passlack, Dorothée Franzen


Die Delegierten

Alexander Hempfing

Studies: European Economics Studies, Master (2nd Semester)

Organisational team: Head Delegate

Committee: N/A

Motivation: The NMUN enables me to learn more about diplomacy, international relations and the UN, while at the same time, to perfect my abilities in public speaking, debating and critical thinking.

My motto in life: Learning is like rowing against the current. As soon as you stop, you drift back again.

Jonas Kindler

Studies: International Business Studies, BA (9th Semester)

Organisational Team: Financial Delegate

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Experience a great project with great people

My motto in life: Just do it!

Johannes Geiger

Studies: Political Science and Philosophy, BA (6th Semester)

Organisational team: Social Media/Homepage Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: My goal is to become a diplomat – NMUN seems like a fun way to gain experience and make new friends.

My motto in life: Always do your best!

Micaela Gro?mann

Studies: Political Science, BA (5th Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: NMUN is a great opportunity to learn a country’s way in acting in international politics. I want to represent the needs of our country as good as I can!

My motto in life: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” –Mahatma Ghandi


Marlene Kn?rr

Studies: European Economic Studies, MA (1st Semester)

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Experiencing diplomatic work and debating with people from different cultures.

My motto in life:  Never trust a motto.

Markus H?gel

Studies: International Business Studies, BA (6th Semester)

Organisational team: Social Media/Homepage Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Gain experience in a field that matters for all people.

Motto: The fun begins outside your comfort zone.

Steffen Keller

Studies: European Economic Studies, MA (3rd Semester)  

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: To get an insight into ‘real politics’ and practical experience in contrast to the theoretical courses in University.

My motto in life: If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?

Quynh Vu-Hoang

Studies: Business Administration, MA (2nd Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation:  Being a delegate at NMUN provides the opportunity to get to know a variety of different people and to get more committed to international politics and the UN’s work.

My motto in life: Everything will be ok in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.


Tina Stanzel

Studies: Communication Science, Political Science and Protestant Theology, BA (5th Semester)

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: NMUN gives me the unique chance to understand international political processes.

My motto in life: Change the way you look at things, and the things look at change.

Nils Steinhoff

Studies: European Economic Studies, BA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Final Report

Committee: N/A

Motivation: For me, NMUN presents a great opportunity to get first-hand, hands-on experience in international diplomacy and policy making, which I wanted to do for a long time.

My motto in life: Ideology is rather unconscious self-deception than conscious deception of others.

Lisa Leisgang

Studies: English and French for Teaching Certification (9th Semester)

Organisational team: Final Report

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Getting insight in how the UN works and learning more about the typical tasks of a delegate.

My motto in life: Sometimes, good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.

Marie Dieckhoff

Studies: Political Science, MA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Taking a first look into the “big politics” and learning more about the work in international relations.

My motto in life: Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.

Florian Wagner

Studies: Political Science, BA (5th Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: Getting insight into the processes of international politics and working in a team on a specific topic.

My motto in life: If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.


Eva Brieler

Subject of Studies: English Studies, Romance Studies, Political Science, BA (3th Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: My motivation is to meet many students from all over the world and exchange ideas to widen my horizon.

My motto in life: “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –Mark Twain

Gloria Kuppler

Studies: Business Administration, BA

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee:  N/A

Motivation: Personal development, learning, the experience

My motto in life: Learn about all aspects of this diverse and fascinating world, strive to grow as a person every day and contribute to others.

Jakob Schabus

Studies: Political Science, BA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee: N/A

Motivation: The team experience, my huge enthusiasm for politics and the chance to work in the UN-Headquarter, a building where world history has been made for decades.

My motto in life: The shortest way to yourself leads once around the world.

Victoria Deutesfeld

Studies: Political Science, BA (4th Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: I consider NMUN being a great step of responsibility on the road towards adulthood and taking my place in society. Viewing international politics through the eyes of a diplomat of the NMUN Bamberg Delegation 2015/16 is a challenge that I am honored to take.

My motto in life: “To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.” –Kofi Annan

Till-Niklas Braun

Studies: European Economic Studies, BA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: NMUN is a unique challenge and chance to work together with inspiring and motivated students on an international and interdisciplinary project.

My motto in life: “Watch your thoughts, for the become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become.” –Margaret Thatcher

Nina Passlack

Studies: European Economic Studies, BA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: N/A

Motivation: From being  a part of the NMUN Bamberg, I expect a lot of new experiences for me and it will help me to get a better understanding of international relations.

My motto in life: "The world consists of optimists and pessimists. In the end, both are wrong but the optimist lives a happier life" Kofi Annan

Dorothée Franzen

Studies: Political Science, BA (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Press Team

Committee:  N/A

Motivation: Getting an insight to international politics without having to deal with the risk and possible consequences of initiating a third world war

My motto in life: Don`t die wondering