Die aktuelle Delegation 2018/19

Wir sind die NMUN-Delegation 2018/2019 und freuen uns darauf, die Dominikanische Republik in NYC zu vertreten. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.

Hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.:  Micha Sperl, Anja Lippstreu, Florian Johren, Florian Heinritz, Jan Denninger, Luca Engelhardt

Mitte v.l.n.r.: Friederike Berlinski, Sara Tzur, Yannick M?nnersd?rfer, Stefan Karanovic

Vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Julia Ramming, Julia Fischer, Svenja Lück, Meike Lober, Veronika Jall, Aurelia Staak

Die Delegierten

Florian Johren

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science & European Studies (5th Semester)

Organizational Team: Head Delegate 

Committee: GA1

Motivation:  NMUN is all about getting people with very different views to work together and that is an exciting challenge for me.

Life Motto: Consider everything, regret nothing.

Svenja Lück

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science & Sociology (3rd Semester) 

Organizational Team: Finance Delegate

Committee: C-34

Motivation: My motivation for joining this fascinating project is to experience a part of the work that is being done inside of international organizations as well as meeting new and great people. Apart from that, I would love to learn more about different cultures and points of views, while being an active part in a worldwide project that focuses on international cooperation.

Life Motto: ?All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.“ - J.R.R. Tolkien

Jan Denninger

Studies (incl. semester): B.Sc. European Economic Studies (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: COP

Motivation: NMUN provides a unique opportunity to learn how diplomacy on a global level works today while getting to know many dedicated and interesting people from all parts of the world.

Life Motto:  "Stop worrying about growing old. And think about growing up." - Philip Roth

Luca Engelhardt

Studies (incl. semester): M.Sc. Business Administration (2nd semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: The NMUN project offers me a unique opportunity to gain first-hand insights into world's politics and diplomacy by doing it oneself and thereby developing personal skills like speaking better English, negotiating and delivering speeches as well as broadening the horizon while working with other highly motivated international students. I am glad to be part of this year's distinguished delegates and I am looking forward making all those experiences.

Life Motto: The world doesn't owe you anything.

Anja Lippstreu

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Political Science (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA3

Motivation: My motivation for NMUN is to get to know the inner workings of the UN since I’d like to work in the area of international human rights protection. Furthermore, I am looking forward to travel to NYC and meet even more interesting people than I already have.

Life Motto: Pura Vida.

Yannick M?nnersd?rfer

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. International Business Administration (8th semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: CPD

Motivation: Building a bridge between the class room and the real world, having an insight into international politics, and meeting interesting people from all over the world.

Life Motto: Work Smart Not Hard.


Julia Ramming

Studies (incl. semester): M.Sc. Psychology (5th semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: COP

Motivation: My motivation to participate at NMUN is to better understand why international cooperation is so difficult; to experience which effect a delegate’s position has on a person (no own opinion!); to observe how cultural background influences the way people work and communicate. And, of course, to get to know amazing people and have a lot of fun together!

Life Motto: Experience everything life has to offer! – It makes you feel wiser, courageous and free.

Sara Tzur

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Social- and Population Geography (6th semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: CPD

Motivation: It’s a great opportunity to be part of a team of students who all work towards the goal of successfully participating at NMUN. I am looking forward to the chance of not only learning more about diplomacy and the UN, but also to actively be part of a delegation.

Life Motto: Don’t hesitate to go for it, experiences will enrich you.

Julia Fischer

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. English and American Studies, Political Science & Sociology (7th semester)

Organizational Team: Social Media & Homepage

Committee: SC

Motivation: NMUN offers an incomparable opportunity to reiceive an indepth insight into international politics, diplomacy and how the UN works. Experiencing and partaking in debates, conferences, and decision-making on a global scale will teach us how to negotiate with people from all over the world. The project will improve our professional skills as well as contribute on a personal level.

Life Motto: Stay positive and never stop believing in achieving your dreams. 

Micha Sperl

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science & Sociology (3rd Semester) 

Organizational Team: Social Media & Homepage

Committee: SC

Motivation: By participating at NMUN, I hope to learn a lot about diplomacy and especially about how the United Nations operates. In my mind, understanding this organization isn’t only an important part of my studies, but also essential for comprehending how peace can be made, poverty can be reduced, or climate change can be tackled in a global scale.

Life Motto:  “A winner is a dreamer who never gives up.” – Nelson Mandela

Aurelia Staak

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science & Communiction Science (3rd Semester)      

Organizational Team: Social Media & Homepage

Committee: GA2

Motivation: I am eager to experience a diplomatic working environment, a project in which so many people pour their heart into and a room filled with people with similar aims from all over the world. I think this project will make an amazing connection within the delegation and pose challenges that we can all grow from.

Life Motto: Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

Florian Heinritz

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Sociology (2nd Semester)

Organizational Team: Press

Committee: GA2

Motivation: In our globalized world of the 21st century, I think that most problems can just be solved on an international level, so that it is important to understand international diplomacy. Therefore, NMUN offers me the great opportunity to learn how international negotiations work and to apply this theoretical knowledge under real conditions in New York.

Life Motto: Keep calm and carry on.

Veronika Jall

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science (3rd semester) & General Linguistics (1st semester)

Organizational Team: Press

Committee: GA1

Motivation:  NMUN is a unique opportunity to expand my knowledge of international relations, diplomacy and global governance within an awesome team. I hope to meet inspiring people, to grow with the challenges ahead and to learn from the cultural exchange with people from all over the world.

Life Motto: “We must become the change we wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Stefan Karanovic

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Governance and International Politics (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Press

Committee: C-34

Motivation: I want to learn more about the UN and experience how it works in practice, in a professional setting. 

Life Motto: Know, that you don’t know.

Meike Lober

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Communication Science & Political Science (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Final Report

Committee: GA3

Motivation: NMUN is such a great opportunity to get to know the inner workings of the UN and to exchange and interact with people from all over the world. 

Life Motto: Spread positivity and love.


Friederike Berlinski

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Social- and Population Geography (3rd semester)           

Organizational Team: Final Report

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: I am very much interested in the structure of the UN, how they work and especially how the conferences are taking place. Combined with that I am excited about the debates during the conference, the process of working with other countries and creating conclusions and resolutions together.

Life Motto: Being a Geographer and travelling the world to see as much as possible of our exciting planet, trying to understand the world.