Die aktuelle Delegation 2020/2021

Wir sind die NMUN-Delegation 2020/2021 und freuen uns darauf, die Republik Ecuador in New York City zu vertreten. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.

Die Delegierten

Simeon Rolla

Studies: M.A. Public Ethics (consists of Political Science, Philosophy, and Theology)

Organizational team: Head Delegate

Committee: Second committee of the General Assembly: Economic and Financial (ECOFIN) 

Motivation: Issues that used to be of (mainly) national concern, nowadays have global implications. I believe that a globalized problem can only be solved by a globalized approach. Therefore, I want to explore the possibilities (and limitations) of the United Nations approach towards the challenges for humanity.

Life Motto: If I had one, it would have to do with chocolate and hope for humanity.

Nadine Feustel

Studies: B. Sc. International Business Administration

Organizational Team: Finance delegate 

Committee: United Nation Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Motivation: I desire to broaden my perspective on international politics. By putting myself in the position of a delegate, I wanted to understand how international organizations work and how they can contribute to global peace and intergovernmental collaboration. 

Life Motto: "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings" - Salvador Dali

Bohdana Chepka

Studies: B.A. Political Science

Organizational Team: Social Media

Committee: United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 

Motivation: For me, the participation in National Model United Nations (NMUN) is an incredible opportunity to understand how the United Nations is organized itself, the way it prevents conflicts and promotes an international cooperation. It helps to develop such professional skills as: researching, public speaking, negotiation, team work and leadership. The NMUN conference enables to feel the spirit of the United Nations – the spirit of the cooperation. It is a huge work on yourself, but at the same time an invaluable experience, new acquaintances and a new challenge for me.

Life Motto: I always follow quotation of Mahatma Gandhi: “If you want to change the world, start with yourself”.

Svenja Schneider

Studies: M.A. Survey Statistics

Organizational Team: Final Report

Committee: Economic and Soucil Council Plenary (ECOSOC)

Motivation: Apart from working together in a lovely team, NMUN challenges me to speak publicly and improve my negotiation skills, causing me to step out of my comfort zone. 

Life Motto: -

Benedikt Holzschuh

Studies: B.A. Islamic and Political Science

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: General Assembly - First Committee (GA1) 

Motivation: As a part of the 20/21 delegation, I am especially interested in the procedures behind the UNs extensive decision-making processes and how this process is influenced by the members states varying world views.

Life Motto: "Never wish for tomorrow"

Dascha Berns

Studies: B. Sc. European Economic Studies

Organizational Team: Social Media 

Committee: General Assembly Second Committee (GA2) - Economic and Financial Committee

Motivation: Cooperation is the key to everything. For that, the UN is the perfect forum for all states to come together and to combat common goals. Participating in a student-led project like this is the perfect opportunity to take a step into the world of international relations and cooperation. 

Life Motto: "If it scares and excites you at the same time - do it!" 

Nicole Asang

Studies: M. Sc. European Economic Studies 

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: Economic and Social Council Plenary (ECOSOC) 

Motivation: NMUN gives me the chance to experience politics on an international level without the necessity of studying politics. I am particularly interested in how politics and economics influence each other. Furthermore, I want to experience why the UN has to work the way it works even if it sometimes gives the impression of being ineffective.

Life Motto: No matter if you are happy or not, life goes on. Therefore, choose to be happy!

Elisabeth Thouet

Studies: B. A. Communication Science, Political Science and Sociology

Organizational Team: Public Relations Team 

Committee: General Assembly Third Committee

Motivation: NMUN is a unique opportunity to experience international diplomacy and how the UN works. Taking part in this project will improve my professional skills as well as contribute on a personal level by challenging me and broadening my perspectives on world issues.  

Life Motto: "Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you've got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it." - Maya Angelou

Xiaofan Mo

Studies: M.A. English and American Studies

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 

Motivation: Curiosity of how the world works from the UN perspective.

Life Motto: You only live once. 

Annika Diehl

Studies: B.A. Communication Science, Political Science and Sociology

Organizational Team: Social Media Team 

Committee: General Assembly Third Committee

Motivation: My motivation to participate in NMUN is to get an insight into international diplomacy, expand my horizons and challenge myself. Furthermore, I want to understand how existing international bodies work and how they solve issues and challenges that affect our planet today.

Life Motto: ?Like what you do, and then you will do your best.“ - Katherine Johnson

Maike Breuer

Studies: B. A. Political Science 

Organizational Team: Public Relations Team

Committee: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 

Motivation: I wanted to participate in NMUN because it is a great opportunity to learn more about the international system and how decisions are made that ultimately impact all our lives. It also seemed like a lot of fun!

Life Motto: ?If you want to go fast, go alone. if you want to go far, go together“

Ariane Türk

Studies: B. A. Political Science and Philosophy 

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)

Motivation: I joined NMUN because I wanted to experience international politics more practically then in my studies at University in general. Moreover I was keen on hearing the perspectives of experts working in the international environment on a everyday basis. 

Life Motto: Either you win or you learn.

Antonia Vogel

Studies: B.A. European Economic Studies

Organizational Team: Final Report Team 

Committee: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Motivation: NMUN challenges me to do research and find practical solutions to the world's most urgent issues. Besides, the project gives me the opportunity to see all these global concerns from a new perspective. You often must leave the "german, industrialized nation comfort zone". 

Life Motto: How dare you! - Greta Thunberg

Léon Hermann

Studies: B. Sc. European Economic Studies

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA)

Motivation: I joined NMUN because I felt enticed to emerge myself in the world of diplomacy and experience first-hand what it is like to act as a representative of a country to the United Nations, an organization that has always fascinated me by its universal membership. I am grateful that NMUN gives me the opportunity to pursue my interests further in allowing me to deepen my knowledge about the UN itself and testing my negotiation skills at conferences. There is so much you can learn from attending MUN, and that is what makes this project such an enriching experience. 

Life Motto: "Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela