? Copyright Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz

- Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz

Neuer romanistischer "quadruple degree"-Studiengang mit unserer Partner-Uni Alicante!

Es gibt einen neuen internationalen Studiengang in Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Bamberger Romanistik und unserer Partneruniversit?t in Alacant (Alicante). Studieren in zwei L?ndern - das hei?t echte Internationalit?t. Abgeschlossen wird der Studiengang mit insgesamt vier Titeln.

Seit dem Wintersemester 2018/19 gibt es in der Bamberger Romanistik einen neuen internationalen Studiengang, den wir zusammen mit unserer Partneruniversit?t in Alacant (Alicante) erarbeitet haben. Studiert wird jeweils an beiden Universit?ten, wodurch wir auch auf alacantinische Studierende hoffen, die einen Teil ihres Studiums bei uns verbringen. Wie der Name "Quadruple Degree" schon andeutet, werden insgesamt vier Abschlüsse erworben:

  1. Bachelor’s in Romance Studies (UB)
  2. Grado en Filología Catalana / Estudios Franceses/or Espa?ol: Lengua y Literaturas (UA)
  3. Master’s in Romance Studies (UB)
  4. Máster oficial en Espa?ol e Inglés como Segundas Lenguas/Lenguas Extranjeras (UA)

Da die Bamberger und Alacantiner Kollegen einander pers?nlich kennen, vereinfachen sich viele Probleme, die durch die Internationalit?t sonst auftreten k?nnten.

Geplant ist, dass Studierende beider Universit?ten vor ihrem Aufbruch ins jeweils andere Land bereits an der Heimatuniversit?t die jeweiligen Austauschstudierenden der anderen Universit?t kennenlernen, um dann, wenn diese wieder daheim sind, beim eigenen Auslandsaufenthalt vor Ort bereits einen Ansprechpartner zu haben.

Der 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 zwischen unseren Universit?ten wurde über die lange Zusammenarbeit mit dem dortigen Institut für katalanische Philologie geknüpft; die Comunitat Valenciana ist eine zweisprachige Region, in der das Katalanische, neben dem Spanischen, Amts- und Kultursprache ist. Es besteht also die Gelegenheit, sich neben dem Spanischen auch mit dem Katalanischen zu besch?ftigen. Andererseits ist das Katalanische in der Stadt Alacant aber bereits so weit zurückgedr?ngt, dass man problemlos ausschlie?lich auf Spanisch leben kann. Selbstverst?ndlich k?nnen Bamberger Interessenten dort spanische, franz?sische und englische Philologie studieren.

Diese Informationsseite befindet sich noch im Aufbau. Ansprechperson in Bamberg ist Prof. Dr. Hans-Ingo Radatz.

Dies ist der volle Text des Abkommens, das den neuen Studiengang begründet:





Universidad de Alicante, with registered office in Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig, Carretera San Vicente del Raspeig s/n, E-03690 San Vicente del Raspeig (Spain), represented by Prof. Dr. D. Manuel Palomar Sanz, Chancellor of the Universidad de Alicante, an appointment made by Decree 57/2016 of May 13, of the Valencian Regional Government;


The University of Bamberg, with registered office in Bamberg - Kapuzinerstra?e 16 - 96047 (Germany) represented by Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. habil. Godehard Ruppert, President of the University of Bamberg,

All together hereinafter known as ?Partner Universities”

GIVEN the current Spanish regulation in the field of University studies;

GIVEN the current German regulation in the field of University studies;

CONSIDERING that it is a common interest of the Partner Universities to establish a tight cooperation in Bachelor, Degree and and Master’s degree studies, and more specifically in the field of Romance Philology (and related areas);

CONSIDERING that UA offers degree programmes in Catalan Philology, in French Studies, and in Spanish: Language and Literature, and an Official Master’s Degree in Spanish and English as a Second Language/Foreign Language;

CONSIDERING that UB offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in Romance Studies;




Art. 1

Purpose of the Agreement

1. Partner Universities agree to establish an International Multiple/Quadruple Degree Programme allowing their respective students who fulfil the conditions and requirements detailed in this Agreement to be awarded the following four separate degrees:

  1. Bachelor’s in Romance Studies (awarded by UB)
  2. Grado en Filología Catalana / Estudios Franceses/or Espa?ol: Lengua y Literaturas (awarded by UA)
  3. Master’s in Romance Studies (awarded by UB)
  4. Máster oficial en Espa?ol e Inglés como Segundas Lenguas/Lenguas Extranjeras (awarded by UA)

2. In order to fulfil the obligations set out in this Agreement, the Partner Universities agree to respect the national laws, regulations and procedures of the two countries.


Art. 2


1. In this Agreement ?Partner Universities” are Universidad de Alicante (hereinafter known as ?UA”) and the University of Bamberg (hereinafter known as ?UB”).

2. ?Programme” refers to the quadruple degree in: B.A. in Romance Studies; one of the following degrees: Filología Catalana/Estudios Franceses/Espa?ol: Lengua y Literaturas; M.A. in Romance Studies and Máster oficial en Espa?ol e inglés como segundas lenguas/lenguas extranjeras.

3. Notwithstanding the location of courses, in this Agreement ?Home University” refers to the university at which the student first enrolled in the Programme, while ?Host University” refers to the university that receives students from the Home University for a certain period of study within the Programme.


Art. 3


1. Each of the Partner Universities shall select students to participate in the Programme, setting out a maximum number of 3 incoming and 3 outgoing students.

2. Selection shall be made from among 3rd year degree students (UA) or 5th semester students in the Romance Studies bachelor’s degree programme (UB): applicants must meet the formal requirements as stipulated by the receiving university. Applications must be submitted when enrolling at the Home University.

3. Students must be able to verify language skills of at least the B2 level in the working language(s) of the Host University, i.e. German at UB, and Spanish or Catalan at UA. The level of Spanish (and Catalan) may be certified by the UB Language Centre.


Art. 4


1. The Programme’s general curriculum is an essential part of this Agreement (see Appendix 1): it can be amended by mutual consent presented in writing by Partner Universities, in compliance with their didactic regulations and procedures set by applicable laws.

2. Courses attended, activities carried out, and examinations passed at UA within the Programme’s curriculum shall be fully recognised by UB, and vice versa.


Art. 5

Structure of the Curriculum

1. The Programme is organised into five academic years, divided into 10 semesters.

2. The general design of the Programme, which specifies the semesters in which the exchange shall take place, the final papers to be submitted and the general curriculum (concerning specific courses) is described in Appendix 1.

3. UA students shall take part in the exchange in semesters 7 and 10, whereas UB students shall take part in the exchange in semesters 6 through 7.

4. To obtain the quadruple degree, students from both universities shall have to meet the requirements of the respective courses (at UB 180 ECTS points for the B.A. degree and 120 for the M.A. degree); moreover, they will submit one thesis for the BA (UB) / TFG (UA), and one for the MA (UB) / TFM (UA) requirement; these theses will each consist of two parts, of which one will be supervised and elaborated at the sending and another at the receiving institution.

5. Examinations and thesis presentations shall take place according to the regulations of each university.

6. Partner Universities agree on the comparative grading chart included in Appendix 2.


Art. 6


1. Upon achievement of ECTS points required by the Programme, students shall be awarded the degrees mentioned in art. 1 of this Agreement.

2. The degree conferral process shall be specific to each university. The correspondence of the final degree mark is outlined in Appendix 2. Examinations, the distributions of credits and final paper presentations shall take place according to the regulations of each University and shall be approved by the competent bodies of Partner Universities.

3. Upon the completion of the quadruple degree procedure and fulfilment of all relevant requirements at both institutions, UB will award the student the degree ?Bachelor in Romanistik (UB)” and ?Master in Romanistik (UB)”. The UA will award the student the degree ?Grado en Filología Catalana/Estudios Franceses/ Espa?ol: Lengua y Literaturas (UA)“ and ?Máster official en Espa?ol e Inglés como Segundas Lenguas/Lenguas Extranjeras (UA)”. Both universities will issue separate certificates according to their respective regulations. The certificates enable the student to bear the corresponding academic title in the Federal Republic of Germany and in the Kingdom of Spain.


Art. 7

Coordination of the Programme

1. Partner Universities shall individually appoint one Programme Coordinator for each University: one for UA and one for UB. Coordinators shall be members of the Centro Internacional de Estudios Ibéricos / Internationales Institut für Iberische Studien [CIIEI / IIIES], a centre shared by the Partner Universities, created in June 2016 as the result of the previous activities developed by the Partner Universities within ISIC-IVITRA (ISIC/2012/022) and the Prometheus /2009/042 and Prometheus II/2014/018 excellence projects. This agreement is the result of the cooperation activities within the CIIEI/IIIES by the Partner Universities. The quadruple degree programme will be covered by the quality management system of UB.

2. The Programme Coordinators shall assure the smooth running of the Programme in accordance with a consistent plan and monitor the observance of the Programme’s terms. They shall meet at least once a year in order to:

  • ensure the availability of all useful promotional means to Partner Universities
  • verify the validity of the curriculum;
  • monitor the academic results achieved by students, considering the efforts made by the Partner Universities.

3. All suggestions concerning the organisation of the Programme, the curriculum, student admissions, etc. shall require the approval of the Boards of the Partner Universities.


Art. 8

Student Mobility

1. Students shall be enrolled at the Home University and shall register at the Host University according to that institution’s applicable regulations.

2. Students’ studies shall be managed by the Home University. Tuition fees shall be paid only at the Home University, and the Host University shall waive tuition fees, except for statutory costs. Regional taxes supporting student rights as well as, if applicable, local administrative fees such as the Student Office contribution and the regional transit pass shall be paid in each academic year by each student at the university where he/she is actually studying that year. Obligations to continue payment of such fees at the Home University in the year when the student is abroad at the Host University, as well as possible exemption from such payment, shall be governed by the regulations applicable at the Home University.

3. Students enrolled in the Programme shall provide evidence of their health insurance; additionally, for the UA, insurance against third-party liability and against accidents is required.

4. Students are required to provide for their travel expenses and all living costs. They shall be encouraged to apply for financial aid from various agencies and programmes for student mobility (such as the Erasmus+ study programme).

5. At the Host University, all duly registered students shall have the same access to libraries, computer labs and other facilities as the local students.

6. All students shall abide by the Rules of the Host University while completing their Programme semesters at the Host University.


Art. 9


Partner Universities agree to try to solve in an amicable manner any dispute which might arise from the interpretation of this Agreement.


Art. 10

Duration, Renewal, Termination and Amendment

1. This Agreement is valid for a period of 6 years, starting from the academic year 2018-2019.

2. The Agreement may be amended and/or renewed only by the concerned parties’ mutual consent, provided in writing.

3. This Agreement may be terminated prior to the expiry of the 6-year term set forth in art. 10.1 by either University by a written communication to the Partner University 90 days before the start of the other university’s academic year.

4. In the case of non-renewal or termination of the Agreement according to Art. 10.3, completion of the course of studies at the Home University shall be guaranteed to students already enrolled in the Programme.

5. As this Agreement was drawn up in English, and this being the only valid version; it shall be signed in two (2) original copies by the legal representatives of each Partner University.

6. The date of this Agreement is that affixed to the last signature.


Art. 11


The parties to this Agreement explicitly agree that any notice, communication or request regarding this Agreement shall be made by post in a verifiable manner, the addresses for notices being, for such purposes, the following: 

For UB:

Otto-Friedrich-Universit?t Bamberg

Dekanat der Fakult?t für 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 Kulturwissenschaften

Kapuzinerstra?e 20/22

96047 Bamberg

Kapuzinerstra?e 16 – 96047 Bamberg (Germany)


For UA:


Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Edificio I

Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig

Apartado de Correos 99


Notifications may also be made by e-mail, provided the identity of the sender, receiver and the exact moment of receipt may be verified in a reliable manner.


Art. 12

Data Protection

Pursuant to the provisions in Spanish Organic Law on Personal Data Protection (Ley Orgánica 15/1999, of December 13), the Bavarian Data Protection Act (Bayerisches Datenschutzgesetz BayDSG vom 23. Juli 1993), and REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC [General Data Protection Regulation], the parties authorise UA and UB to enter into a record and subsequently use all the personal data contained herein exclusively for the exercise of the functions proper to these institutions, under the consideration that, as recorded users, they may exercise in writing the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and challenge regarding the personal data physically recorded at UA and UB.

The parties mutually agree to manage and store the data and the information related the performance of the activities resulting from this Agreement and any implementing agreements, pursuant to the measures and obligations provided in Law Degree 196 of 30/6/2003, in both paper and digital formats.

This document has been approved by the UA Governing Board.

The parties have read and approve this Agreement, and have signed it in the place and on the date indicated above, in two copies.


University of Bamberg, UB




Universidad de Alicante, UA,

Prof. Dr. theol. Dr. phil. habil. Godehard Ruppert (President)

Prof. Dr. Manuel Palomar Sanz (President)